Show II Health demands a healthy liver Take Simmons Liver Regulator for dyspepsia and indigestion I Dont miss the 11th at Lake Park The grandest novelty of the age Race between I be-tween bicycles and horses PEOPLES EQUITABLE Fivo gallon kegs pickles 8140 CARPETS GCARPETS CARPETS I For the finest and richest display call at Dinwoodeys + BLACKIIURST BROS Order your groceries flour hay and grain from Blackhurst Bros 52 east Second Sec-ond South Telephone No 23 PEOPLES EQUITABLE Pails jelly S125 < < 25Gold Gold Medal Portraits cabinet size U per dozen Savages Sav-ages Art Bazar THIS new Industrial home has been furnished fur-nished and is now being occupied Go to Mark McKkumiss for livery Bombardment Fort Sumter tonight I I Beauty Is desired and admired by all Among the things which may best be done to enhance personal beauty is the daily use of Ayers Hair Vigor No matter what the color ot the hair this preparation prepa-ration gives it a his tre and pliancy that adds greatly to its charm Should the hair be thin harsh dry orturning griy Cf Ayers Hair Vigor I will restore the color bring out anew ea a-new growth and render the old soft and shiny For keeping the scalp clean cool and healthy there is no better preparation in the market I am free to confess that a trial of Ayers Hair Vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article Its use has not only caused the hair of my wife and daughter to be Abundant and Glossy but it has given my rather stunted mustache mus-tache a respectable length and appearance appear-ance K Britton Oakland Ohio My hair was coming out without any assistance from my wife either I tried Ayers Hair Vigor using only one bottle and I now have as tine ahead a-head of hair as any one could wish for R T Schmittou Dickson Tenn I have used Ayers Hair Vigor in my family for a number of years and regard re-gard it as the best hairpreparation I know of It keeps the scalp clean the lair soft and lively and preserves the original color My wife has used it for a Ions time with most satisfactory results re-sults Benjamin M Johnson M D Thomas Hill Ho My hair was becoming harsh and dry but after using half a bottle of Ayers Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy I cannot express the joy and gratitude I feellabel C Hardy Delavan Ill Ayers Hair Vigor PREPARED BY Dr J C Ayer Co Lowell Mass Sold by Druggists and Perfumers Will > be Open to the Public June 151889 mHE PARLEYS PARK HOTEL SO WELL THn t ft JL and favorably known to the citizens of Salt Lake city has been refurnished throughout with rJD f1l everything new neat and Inviting making it the most healthful and desirable place for individuals indi-viduals and families to spend the summer months while the heat In the lower valleys Is so oppressive oppres-sive i As Is well known it Is centrally located between the two noted fishing streams Weber and Provo rivers and only a short distance from the famous Park city the East canon stream flowing through the meadows adjoining For I terms apply by letter or telephone to H O YOUNG Park City Z B B SHE T S-HE STOCKHOLDERS OP JL Zlons Benefit Building society are hereby notified that a special meeting will be held at the city hall July 291HS9 1 > atSpm for the purpose of voting on the proposed Increase of capital btock by amending section 1 article 4 of the constitution relating to capital stock and for the transaction transac-tion of such other business as may properly come before the meeting W J BATEMAN SocV Sur LAKE CUT July C 16S9 DRY GOODS I Spring and Summer Stock HOI COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS I I jC I 1 M 9 DONELSON Co1 I I Our Stock is Larger Than i Ever Before FINEST AND BEST GOODS 4 AT = II LOWES P ICESCD 158 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY NEW GOODS 0 THE FOUR STORES READY FOR VISITORS New Dress Goods New Dry Goods New Groceries NEW EVERYTHING n VVei are Ready for yo 1 i FRESH AND CLEAN New and Bright Bottom Prices Always THE EAGLE HOUSEs HOUSE-s t T e TEASI > EL 6 Z t C Ml SHOE FACTORY The Bes1 The Cbeapes t An 1Jo e = 1nade ALL STYLES VARIETIES AND PRICES Studebaker BroKMant g Co Carriage Repository 33 and 3 > Main Street and Branch House corneiJState Hoad and Second South Street The Finest Carriage Display in the Territories Light and Heavy Wagons in Every Styie that is Hade Vehicles for Public and Private Use in All Varieties and Prices ALSO AGKXTS TOU The Whiteley Champion and Piano Harvesting Machines and Extras J I Case Threshers HorsePowers Engines and Mills Weir Morrison leikel andSouth Bend Plows Hay Rakes iIELieiar XCocKi Carts arid HexrjTcsri of JVU nix3 s SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICES DUDLEYS SEAMLESS OXFORD GIAIS I cCI = C c = tAt > O o j C < C At GEORGE DUNFORDS Main Street JOSEJ 1J SINION 62 W Second South street AUCTION COMMISSION GOODS And Job Lots in Dry Goods Clothing Ladies Misses and Chil drens CloaksGents Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Hosiery Blankets Toys Notions Etc ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION T oseph Si1l10 P 0 Box 1315 62 W Second South Street 4i L0 J + C 44 KARRICK TJBrE IA TTER SOLE AGENT FOR MILLERS HAT New York CHRISTY HAT London Largest Variety of Straw Hats in thejfity Gentlemens Furnishings of Every Description Summer Specialties in Imported Flannels Silk Mixed Pongee Silk and Mohair Coats and Vests Linen Mohair and Silk Dusters Lawn Tennis Coats Caps Belts and Sashes TROY STEAM LAUNDRY AND DYE WORKS VI No 142 Main Street FREE SODA 0 For Firstclass Drugs Chemicals Perfumery Toilet Articles and Pure Wines and Liquors for medical use go to Z C M I Drug Department During the hot weather every purchaser of any of the above will be entitled to A Glass of our Celebrated Soda Water FREE For the Complexion use Garfield Tea It is Unrivaled 25c 50c and 100 per package Try a free sample package before purchasing PhS sloiunsr Prcsorlptio C1 Spec iult T G WEBBER Supt Commercial National Bank OF S AYI LAr 5S CITY Capital 25000000 A GENERAL BANKING I ALL ITS BRANCHES Draws Sight Drafts on the Principal Cities of the United States Sells Drafts and Postal Honey Orders and Issues Circular Letters of Credit on the Chief Cities of Europe Deals in Exchange and United States and General Securities COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Accounts of Banks Merchants Miners Manufacturers and Individuals Solicited This Bank has recently opened for business is i largely composed of local businessmen business-men and capitalists and has reliable financial and banking connections through its Eastern Stockholders The Bank bespeaks the favor of the public and solicits a share of the patronage of the City and surrounding country and promises as liberal treatment of its patrcas as is consistent with Conservative Banking DIRECToRS THOMAS MARSHALL F H AUERBACH JOHN J DALY W P NOBLE GEORGE M DOWNEY HENRY G BALCH F E SCRYMSER D C BACON JOHNW DONNELLAN I 1 OFFICERS HENRY G BALCH GEORGE M DOWNEY JOHN W DONNELLAN President VicePresident Cashier HARVEY NEFF CO A l j j o nn ° j i Abstracters of Titles 265 S Main Street Salt Lake City Utah See That Your Titles are Perfect < 1 OUR ABSTRACTS SHOW ALL ERRORS Dont Delay in getting titles to your property in shape CONE JRlOJ ERTS ADDITION In TwentySecond Ward between Fifth and Eighth North Sts Lots from 130 to 260 Street Car Line soon to be built past the Addition This is in the city Lots 30x140 feet with 17 foot alley Corners 45 12x140 feet For sale by Wm Roberts with Greenman Roberts Room 6 No 68 E Second South ARTIN DRAKE Ate TUE LAMEST Importers and Breeders In the West of t Suffo11s Pcxnoh fro try let Lrn l3ah Shire snd r ll jo G 4i qy t Clevrelcmcl 3a1S I3orseS adc y ShetlEinCi Poxiias t ° i SHORT HORN AND HOLSTEIN CATTLE r Visitors cordially welcomed Correspondence r t ny invited Stock for sale at all times at low prices t w r and on easy terms Call and examine our Horses Cattle v 5 Box 17 Provo City Utah WILLIAM WHITE Jos L HETWOOD JOHN H WHITE President Secretary Treasurer t WHITE SONS CO Proprietors Pembroke Meat Market The Choicest Meats the market affords is furnished from Refrigerator Family trade solicited Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed Our Prices are as Cheap as the cheapest Homecured Hams and Pure Utah Lard a specialty r WHOLESALE PRICES Prime Beef Sides at 6 Second Quality Beef Sides 53g Dressed Mutton 7 4 Telephone 2829 38 W rust SoUth Street JOKLKT EC WEnOM anager |