Show A GRAND MY FIGHT With the Kailroad Companies About SpeciaiBates THE ADJimSTRATIOXS POLICY Towards the Territories Colorados Catholic Bishop Dead Germanjjand Switzerland At the Various Indian Agencies Ciircvoo July 10Th fight between the Grand Army of the Kepublic and the various railroad companies reached an This tho this acute phase ths evening Ths was last day of the period named by the Grand Army men in which the railroads might gracefully surrender eaR give tho usual gve rate of one cent a mile td persons attending attend-ing the great annual encampment announced an-nounced to take place this year at Milwaukee No surrender was made by the railroads and this afternoon tho committee of the Grand Army of tho Republic Re-public who have been agitating the subject held a meeting here ana proceeded with their attempt to carry outtheir threat that in the event of the railroads proving obstinate nate the encampment should be made i possible merely an assemblage of delegates dele-gates instead of a huge popular gathering The committee voted i send a circular letter to all the department confmanders throughout the country urging that attendance at-tendance on the encampmcjitrbe limited so far as practicable in the manner described Preparations at Milwaukee for the entertainment enter-tainment of the great crowds expected at the encampment have been virtually suspended sus-pended owing to the dispute with the railroads rail-roads and today the action of the committee tee of commander it is iared may end in I permanent stoppage of preparations |