Show i JSOJCK IOQE 0 An THE papers In the city recently be been making paroxysmal revolu Eensn their writing forces in an en oaarorto keep pace with the rapidly in THE HEEALD are = ig popularity of t3 Senseof the moves are little rocky Hart goes to the Democrat which strts out with a circulation of 4one to math of the four other papcrs sent as interchange of courtesies Spencer r reiircs from the Newt and his place is t Bled by James Anderson who comes tfiawn from the job department of that s institution AIf Reese fell to rise nom no-m z c in taking a place on the Tribune I t aad Homer J Stone hides what feeble Sit be has under a bushel by leaving fee railroad to write for the little second sseoideon t fiE Tribune has been made the recipient recip-ient of a valentine picturing its editor 1 aesaa ass This fact would not have Seengenerally known but for the editor u 1 isesself who instead of keeping quiet I 4 to boat the matter or even indignantly r dSScring with an established public ii ° apinion acknowledges the receipt of the Jli Talcntine concedes that he is an ass in and forthwith uses up nearly a column iii I is trying to show that the ass Is the Iii artwdest most enduring and intelli gmt of beasts and has been historically linked with many of mans highest HI arhleveinents The egotism of this 11 osapiring editor Is sublime He I may for aught we know be < h < I the shrewdest and most intelligent i dtsakey that ever held a pen or inhab lei 1 t Sitd i one but does he think he possesses i j II esdnrance superior to that of his read es who are compelled to wade through the barn yard drivel by which he en I 1 dtavored to establish the fact Verity we think the time has come to link the tfeaiiey with some of mans lowest i 1 i i aricvementa Brethren let us bray 1 1 ItAYEE ib not adhbjecttl a we usually SK to handle with levity but there arc occasionally some very comical things stdin the course of devotional exercises yich it can do no harm to reproduce 1 The other night in one of the wards a ranerable Englishman who despite his i i sJtschment to his religion had never 3 qsiitc forgotten his devotion to the mother country was called upon to r i open the meeting Elevating his pon 9 k isjous hands and sneaking in slow mea i ll sire tones he opened as follows Hour 7 N I jf = atti er deliver us from ji j i > re ands of hour hcn e m ics t and save the British 4 3army in the Sowdan 1 t I 3em two things I hask 1 ko be done 1t 1 i J1vTQE way of prayer about the most j Y I I grassing thing that can befal a j H i i jsong man is to be asked by a lady host hos-t 1 I bas to say grace at a table at which are abated a lot of giggling girls and in the 4 1111 middle of his prayer to feel the horrible a f i t saitainty that he is on the point off of-f sneezing I have known some very and sitn amens to be arrived at from ii I t cause I i flI s I STVE THE Tribune a case in which there h considerable of the lewd loud andY I and-Y 1 I oseerie and it is only justice to say I i i I t gist it shines but in any matters rela > I E STC to art or culture it is hopelessly be 1 1 i I I i logged No one realizes this better than i i I t e editor of the sheet in question A 1 1 TEST ago on the occasion of Maplesons I i 5isH the regular localthen the la I fc tented Lrpprnan was suspended to al 1 I Rnr Kate Field an Opportunity to tell I 1I 1 stat she knew about colors His 1 i prentice hand this years local was I allswed to try on Patience but such a I j f ogle did he make of it that he was 1 i I suspended and one of our musical pro i 5iisors gotten to do the criticism of II i r i a I Trovatore in his place r r I j q IT 15 not many evenings since a young c f y I It I jsctleinun of our acquaintance called k I I at a young lady in this city who had I 9 J I Inssn an old flame of his to inquire 1 arfeetber the report was true that she F I a had broken off her engagement with his a rival He was on the point of putting l the question when the young lady wassailed I r e was-sailed to another room to see a visitor i J I i i Steins gone what seemed an interminable I intermin-able length of time but when she returned I i 1 9 turned it was with a flushed face and a I I isqnest that our young gentleman would I asft as a witness to her marriage which I JM been suddenly arranged in the next k I i k raoin He affixed his signature to the X 1i document kissed the bride and went I reflectively home t I i + i ITALIAN oiKUA received a great set i Sack in Salt Lake this year because I I 1 j ofle who paid 10 for their seats last y jysr were in no condition to pay fG this 3 t Gter people arc in a very reflective scood just now and before parting with t 1 1 J for one night ephemeral enjoyment i j t they would be apt to reason thus Six I dollars would buy three sacks of flour I j T < t 1 I pc two of tho childrens school tuitions i 1 ftir a quarter pay a big part of the i J months interest on the family mort 1 1 age go a good way on account of r 1 taxes and pay for two years subscrib te > a to the SUNDAY HERALD with this i G I I Ssstreflection upon them they would t s i I I abut their eyes to Maplesona allure i ssenta and return the money to their t I I Vac kct l |