Show Ihe Corner Stone The corner stone of the Baptist church edifice will be laid this afternoon after-noon at 4 oclock at the corner of Second South and Second Vest streets there rill be addresses a recitation by Mrs Hartley ard other Interesting exercises The I services will be held in the grove adjoining the church All companions of Western Stint council are requested to meetat their hall with full uniform on August 2i it 210 p m fcr the purpose of attending the ceremonies of laying the cornr stone of the I UaJtust church By older of Ed Harris 1 commander All the member of Salt Luke Temple of Honor No1 are requested re-quested to meet at thcir hall on Sunday August 20 rt L30 p m for the purpose of attending the ceremony cere-mony of laying the corner stone ot the Baptist church By order of I VV C T Charles AV OaffUl WIt |