Show t 1 r t 1 t f j SALT LAKE DALYHERALD x a SUNDAY AUGUST 26 1883 i i SALT LAKE DAiLYHERALD 1 i = SUNDAY AUGUST 26 1888 ti r THE DAILY HERALD is published > > j morning Mondays exoeptedat n every East Temple Street near First south i Salt Lake Citoy the BERLD PRINT 1 and PUBLISHING COMPACT oub rao J Ecription price 81050 per anum postage post-age included parts of tho year at the same rate To weekly subscribers collections made by carnerstweniyfive V i cents a week TfiJ5 SEMIWEEKLY HERALD is t f published every Wednesday and Saturday Sat-urday moraing Rt 350 A yesr six t months l7o postage include I TH3 WEEKLY HERALD It i published a every Thursday morningat 2 ayear dx months 81 2fi POet IV inHnprt |