Show i e from MR nUMB I will sell from August 7th until I 11 Dr advIce further notice ta WM HUMES I CELEBRATED CANNED SALMON A AT 680 per case Of Four Dozen IPound Cans 0 1 SID prepared to receive orders for from 1 to 10Car Lots CfaO F BROOKS dij I TfHOS W JENNINCS it I I m itH II I H I l I I a i C gc fil 00 I I r OJ I tj tX r E I R ° I I t bI 5 OcI i 0 0 > = QO 1 Ii 0 > G I en = 0 IrI CJ s i1 rrJ I1LLH w I c ILI r 1Z C fI E3W I I I I < of 0 a < C uJ I J i rn A H I 0 Iw I j 1 2 r I rn m tJ I 0 UJ ICO D i Ja = 1 tr rn I = OJ en I I co tL r O i U I 00 I I C o = = < ern 1 < 0 l I i CO I Ia t iI I I i t mU L THOSs W JENNINOS co tJ mj Jq wg U1 1 S 1o Q lto C 00 = I g Q Q 12 = Qi 0 u rt2 I1 o I w 2 S bJ td 0 S O V4f1 f J I t14 e trJI 0 Q I 0 S D S S q S 5 eD S 5 c 10 Eaii f 1 1 S W DAUKE WM FUlLERS FULLER-S WDARKECo NOTARIES PUBLIC Fira Insurance Real Estate Money L > anin E3f The following is 1Esa TIHI ONEHALF the property we have fur sale the balance will be published next Sunday SPECIAL QAf FIVE AOES OF FIBSTf LNS tyOUU land ID Mill Ureek flard < ne Work eat of Calders farm about five lutlen south rt the city part la luc me neirly nl I fenced with a preen hedge fence trees planted 01 Ih east west and north aides close to water ditch wita a poo 1 pnnply ± 200 AFOLLLOrONTEYTHWAFD dJJ ieneli An f IB bl rvatlon 8000 GO < D sUBiTiNTI VL FRAME 0 house ot five IOOOIH Cs her summEt kitchen lot two and a Loll by eight lode south front near to bunmcs on < ar lino 4qn A POD HtONV lOtLOiSKAm v uu ing fr < m three to eight rods fi JDI in the Fift Ward Goad ohaooo for a homo for r mor man Complete water rgh aud goud sail Honbca and Lots ORfin tIX ROOMED TJ1UK noun OjJUU with cellar bacm nt ard blll room not fit ithed lot 4x10 rod good water rlht and grod location near Mreet car line AIo an ndobe house of throe luotus on fill clot c-lOT in the above fipnte CfiOflO A 41ODBBV W JLT BUCK u jjj house ol nine room aud outbuild loge suitable for a hotel pood orchard etc I t 6i2t rods CJB to tbe D i I G IC R f It ± 1 400 A HIIEEKOOVUD RUbltC 4JJUUW frame It use one block and a half east cf Main B reet on car line Lot V2 si i rod with right of roadway on lot adjoining adjoin-ing fruit trees ff 1500 A HOUSE OF TBREIJ ROOMS 4 two pantries porch on eist Bide coal honip cellar 7x14 feet outside of house corral etablo and buggy house lot 10 todH nt fr nt 5 rods south Eighteenth Ward odF EA mm r IfiftO A FOUR ROOMED ALQBE LVIUV house Inn pica in a artIccalitylnth Nineteenth Ward corner lot CxS rods facing south and east rn street cr line ct cnn A BRI K HOUHB OF SEVEN ptJ < jjj latga looms buttery halls cloy et etc all well arranged and well built Lot 6 > xlO rods In Seventh Ward Alo a tore on mid lot Ilydrant water in front and bscK of bouse bouseHB ARLINGTON HCTKL pituu new Denver nswly painttd aid furnished in good ihape and 10 good run Ding order containing fortyUo bedrooms office dining room kitchen bund y cellar washhouse etc Will be sold for cash stcck horses or exchanged for real estate in Salt dike City Rent JJ I per month with lease junning to September liSt with privilege of icnewal I 4000 A 1EAr MODERN STYLE fjitUUU art0b3 house of five rcoms buttery I but-tery closets Eurnnur kitchen oto large adobe stable eight Ma Is and hayloft lot ox20 rod flee orchard ROod wtter right situjte near D A1L Eillviar depot A E1ILY FINISHED FIVE LARGE ANE4RLY houee built in uiodorn stylo bay window Milliard roof in a conimaudiuj situation on East Bench Large rock calla Lot fenced 5x20 rods Call fr term QqOOO A TVOSiOR fcTOKC AND ctiuu three IBIEO lot salts years on Main street 8155U COMNEK LOT AND OCOD c ± J < jj V dwelling houro of thiea rooms well hon o bart and oUt houses on First uiitli itreet Rood lence inagniUciut loci lion on street car line lot 0x5 rods outh uuil West fronts trs JOOn AN EIGHTHOP MED TWO t sttvsJ story brick horse with two hill and closets modern built extraordinary thick wall painted and grained good wel of natt H number of fruit tree all in good condition lot 5x2 rds Sixth South street one block south of the new ration on the VCR V-CR It and outs block from Street carp car-p s OuSE OF SEVEN KOOviS trim HOuSE t3 buttery ec Also Three Cotttges on the same lot Choice orchard Waterworks on place Good investimnts and brings immediate im-mediate returns for money laid out Particulars Particu-lars ou application QKAH EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE AND QOUUU buttery we 1 CcWitd luwn barn fruit treo on North lenspla street lot 5 loJs front cheap prop rty V 1 0 7 5 Temple COKNEULOTlOilO street witu lion ON e SOUTH of four rooms end good cellar f II w iter right COftnn THREE HOUSES tOIt SALE INV IN-V OVJU the Thirteenth Ward bunging In nearly IV per cent per mouth luterest now and It Will grow call for particulars 5000 A LAKGt HOU13 AND LOT rsD 5xlo on the west Bide i of MnlJ street particular at our office 600 HOUSE OF FIV BOOMS LOT jo 21 0 rods > aittle parndiee an txc llect orchard half an acre In lucerne half an ac re of garden undor the highest cultivation cul-tivation corral and stable near J ilo tty Park ltOO AtOBE HOTJdU OF TWO t good Jock cellar and looms summer sum-mer kitchen lot 10x20 rods orcha d and lu I ceinegood soil on Fifth South street t 800 A KRiMB HOIJ = E ADOBE Vow lined of two rooms and summer kitchen let 245 south front Twentieth Ward qSDO ANOTHER CHEAP HOUSE TWO rooms and summer kitchen coiner lot 2Xx5 Twentieth Wad tfVinn A Ert HOUSE Wd ROOMS ilVJU wellirranged I 16th Ward p65O A THBE1S KOOMED IJOUE put v one room rock one room lath and planter and one room lumber Tenth nard lot 8x20 rods 1550 OUR ROOM HOUSE WITH 10 5 > OUc > U x2 rods of ground In the Eleventh Ward 3000 A FULL LOT 10x20 RODS COR > uvuv neriot good house of three rooms and buttery mostly brick cellar wall o chard shade trees pl = uty of water adolx barn on Fifth South vO On A NEW HOU3F OF SEVEN 2800 t pOUU rooms well painted and nicely surrounded pretty garden spot coach house pump etc on car line lot 2V xlO rods 2250 A BRICK HOUSE OF SIX f l pwwcHJ rooms corner lot 1010 rod one block fom car line On nPO A GuOD BRICK HOUSE AND V jwVv7 brick granary on car Hue in bib Ward Will exchange tor good land in the Big Field Lot SxlO rods 4000 AX ATTBljriVE HO USE OF WxVVV uino rooms elegantly finished batteries closets pump large barn good fence ol square pickets Jot 10x20 on car line Furuis ana Grass LotH A TITLE TO TWELVE ACRE Uh Q00 AI migration i anyn wth house springs water iihade lots of feed etj jut Sue place for a dairy 6000 A fARM OF THIIlTySIX jjUVJUU acres Of remarkably good soil with a brick house of seven roomsbnck cellar and granary and a log cabin of two rooms full water right two good orchards reaper and mower seven miles onth of the city QOAA A IRSrCLAS3 FARM OF 36 JOwUU acres with all the improvements on the Cottnnwood Call on us 54 A PER AGUE THREE ACRES OF V 40 IlWd half mile south of the asylum I house of one rom unnnistad frame adobe line and orchard AN ACRE FOttY ACRES OF vbOO flratclasa farming land no gravel c r hills lies well fLr watering lumber shanty and good well of water three miles west of Huslers grist mill good orchard Jborfcll JuticulaJ cll and see 118 Ig TEN ACRES OFGOD FARMING CIsCC5 land over Jordan known as the Smith property Brighton farmicg plat cn the Un of the railway TEN AORES OF GOOD FARMING p22 0 llloDd over Jordan Leighton armlng plat adjoining the Smith prcportj a firstS first-S 4 nn TlfloKE FOB QOODL4ND NEAE 30 Coopers Mill in Salt lake County lull water right and good soil close to aar ket and a lure and afo Investment Qim ACRESjOF LAND SIX MILES SOUTH uu westof city twenty acres planed to III eerne balance farming land and orchard title clear and complete wat r right S21 iXlt MARMFOBfaALE 20 ACRES OF FAM f ter P log Ixnd on bench east ol city water on lend price S8M 9000 SIXTY FIVE ACRES OF GOOD c T UUU It vI land seven miles north of the city a water right 2 > auras in lucerne part on time I 1100 WILL BUY A FARM OF FORTY iivv acres about half a mile nuuth ol the Sixth Ward bridge Will exchange for city property Vi er dlbt i to Nnd nr n TEN ACRE OF GOOD LAND V ou on tIlE BIt Cottonwood road two miles east of State Bjid full watjr right 4 ores In lucerne Si 1 00 EVESTT ACRES OF CHOICE e1 Ea tplLUV blauk arable Ind across the Jordan Jor-dan River from PetiUX opposite the Point Willows It id about the best investment Ta farm r that W J know ot for the money Fee from fiierattnand near to market on ARES OF FARMING LAW ON OU State noad fifteen mile south or city Draper Cannlruns I above the land Log I house well of Water WE IUVR SOMR GOOD HAY < ND vy arable land for S25 peracre a few miles from town close to the railroad FOUR LOTS CONTAINING SIX ACRES J2 of gronnd with bolt < < e and Improve ment in Fairvietr e pete County Call and Fee ns S WE MlLSEfL RiGHT NOW FORT vy acres furmiiK Kind rne and a lislE miessouih Sixth Ward bfid o fenced vith elm al1 IIcr wallir right for 522ft jior acre I oriO acres iloMe to CUytonV which rows uoerna thee It rt buIi with water right tur i TtO ptr acre 13rfcre in luerne For Ifieul Furnlthid room In an attractive locution 7th Ward Uno M fnmll house Eevejth Soth and Mini 5d pir moil to i hoiim uf three rooms and gooi kitchen West Temp street SIS A two itw houe of eight rooms brick In iulca > unt loujlitjSiO Ono o moc f rji ned rcoms near to busl ness First jouih ilret A large mi t will ananped falili > iabe house ou Fou h leuipls ttttetto Uafif for ate a-te m of TIBM stabUu o cnard arna 1 fruits etc etl0Ifie H main fitreet h I If you arc growing Gray or Bald I If your Hair is Thin Brasliy Dry Harsli or Weak I If you arc troubled with Dandruff Itching or any Humor or Disease Dis-ease of the Scalp USE A mypfl Hair Vi 001 Ayers llairVigor5 ± 1 V Ul u UCuii V lj 2 V A It boats nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp checks the falling out of the Hair find prevents it from turning gray and it an unequalled dressing and toilet article i lItEP RED BY JCAyerCo Lowell Mass I Sold by all Druggists I I Words fail to W OROS F A It I express my grati Se W 1 tude says Mr 3ELBY CAnTER of Nashville Tcnn II for tho benefits derived from Ayers Sarsaparilla Having Leon afflicted all my life with Scrof aria my system seemed jaturitcd with it It came out in Ulotches Ulcers and Jlatttry I Sores all over my body Mr Carter states I that he was entirely cured by the use of I Avnns SAHSAPAIULLV and since dicon tinning its use eight month ago he has had LO return of the scrofulous symptoms All baneful infections of the blood nre promptly removed by this unequalled altera tie nEPmlJ lay DP JCAyerCo Lowell Mass Sold by all Druggists 1 six bottles for 55 i r LEGAL NOTICE + Tn the Probate Court of the County of Salt Lake Territory of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of Karl G Sjnsted deceased Order TT APPEALING TO SAID COURT IT by the Petition this day presented and filed by Anne Gharlson the administra trix of the etate of Karl G Sensted deceased de-ceased praying for an order of sale of the real estate of sad deceased that it is necessary to sell the whole ef sid estate to pay the debts outstanding against the d C3R eed and the debts expense and charges of administration of said estate It is therefore ordered by aid Court that all nanona interested in aid estate of paid d ceaECu appear before the said Pro bite Court OB Friday the seventh day of September lSS at 10 oclock in tho forenoon of said day at the coUtt room ofsnid Court at the County Court Bouse of said County in SAlt Lake City Utah to show cause wby an order should not ba granted to aid administratrix to sell n laid real estate for the purposes of paying said debts outstanding against said da ceaecd end the debts expenses and charges of administration And that a copy of this order bo published pub-lished at east ten successive day in the I3ALT LAKS DAILY HERALD a new papar published and printed in said City of Salt Like E SMITH Probate Judge Dated 24th August 1883 TERRITORY OP UTAH I CouiiTY or SALT LAKS JE II D BOCK HOLT Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake in the Territory of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that this foregoing is a full true and correct copy of an order to show causa why an order of sals should not be granted as appears of record in my oflie In witneEa whereof I have hereunto sat my hand and SAL affixed the Seal of sId Court this 24th day of August AD 1883 D BOOKHOLT au25 Probate Clerk ARICA D E RBstanrant and Chon Honsl HE BEST IN TOWN EVERYTHING SEASON 1 PRICES MODERATE I J DINTTOODEY Caterer A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shilohfl Catarrh Remedy Price doe Sold by Z C if I Drug Store Uti S 5 J ff f S f I 1 Know j i That BROWNS IRON BITTERS S will cure the worst case of dyspepsia S S S Will insurea hearty appetite and increased digestion j Cures general debility and gives a new lease of life l Dispels nervous depression and low spirits S Re 6f xhausted nurs 5Ei er to full strength S id glares abundant sus S JflSECe for her child 5 Strengthens the muscles and j S nervesenriches the blood S Overcomes weakness wakefulness S wake-fulness and lack ofenergy Keeps off all chills fevers and other malarial poison Vvill infuse with new life the weakest invalid 37 Walter St Batiriote Dec iE8u 1or six years I have been a preat sufferer from Blood Disease Dip > S D-ip > Consti ptionm becnme o debilitated that I could not retail anything on my stomach in fact S S life had almost become a burden I innally when hope had almost left me my husband seeing BROWNS lanai IliTTEKi advertised i lw the 5 I paper induced me to give it a trial rpcr now inking the third bottle and have not fdt so well in six years as I do at the present lime Mrs tresF GHIPFIJJ S S BROWNS IRON BITTERS will have a better tonic I effect upon any one who needs I < bracingup than S any medicine made I S 4HENRYS HENRYS S CARBOliC SALVE S The most PowerM Eealisi f OintiLeiit ever Discovered r S Henrys Carbolic Salve cures i I Soroe S I I Henrys Carbolic Salve allays Burns Henrys Carbolic SaN euros Bruises Henrys Carbolic Sslve heal S 5 Pimples Henrys Carbolic Salvo cures Piles S I Henrys Carbolic Sivo heals Cuts S Ask for Henrys and take to 5 5 o hare DXWABnOFQOUNTERFmTS S Health is Wealth I C CV ocow < S y f J 1 1 ts > TREATME r I Da S B 0 War RKUT ACT Buur Tars sirr a guaranteed specific lor Hysteria Iia < S S II si ness Convulsions Fits Nerrous Keoralgia S Hesdwhe Nervous Prostration eauied by th > I cae fit alcohol or tobacco Wakefulness Mental Depression Softening of tho Brain lesolting in S insanity and loading to raicery decay and S 5 death Premature Old lge Barrenness Loss of I power In either BOX Involunta ry Lessee 1 caused by overoxcrtlon cf the brain youthful I folly etc EAch box contalna one month S I treatment 100 a box or six boxes fox 300 S sent by mail prepU on re oipt cf price S WE CUARANTE 3X BOXES To cure any case Wilts eh order recii7t 5 by us for Bis boxes accompanied with UIJ we win send tho purchaser oar written goaratt tee to reload tho manGY if the treatment dote not effect a euro Guarantees Issued only I Z C HI Drug Btera Bait Lake City TtsU S 55 jails S ST MARYS ACADEMY S SA3LT LAKE CIJ ST CONDUCTED BY THE Sisters of the Holy CrossE 55 Cross-E COURSE OF STUDY IS JL thorough embracing all the S branches of a solid and refined education educa-tion fitting the pupils to be intelligent useful and accomplished members cf society French German Latin Drawing S Special Culture in Vocal Music and Or S natnentnl Needle Work beinp Included S I Sin S-in the English Course form no extra charge S S The Musical and Art Departments S conducted on the basis of the best European S S Euro-pean Conservatories ted Art Schools S No interference with the religion belief S be-lief ot nonCatholic pupils Terms for board and tuition moderate S Small boys received In a separate S department S 5 Glasses to be resumed Mondty September 5 Sep-tember 8 1883 For Catalogues address w above Halffaro Tickets can be procured by S S S S S the Academy for p pit 5 si Dll2 f t 1 I S |