Show A SAN FRANCISCO paper sugge3ts that a good way to abolish polygamy polyg-amy would be to Introduce extravagant extrava-gant fashions among the Mormons and make things so expensive that a man would have to be a Crcoaus to support more than one wife The idea is a remarkably good one especially as the corrective measure3 are to be introduced intro-duced and paid by tho government Next winter Congress I may make an appropriation of a few millions for fifteenbutton kids French bonnets silk stocking diamond dia-mond earrings elegant coupes etc which will be judiciously distributed distrib-uted among the Mormon ladies This business should be kept up for a few years until the fashions are well established and the female taste fully developed by which time the Mormon women will have a good supply of milliners flummery and can b3 trustei to go ahead with the winning work We hope Congress Con-gress will catch on to the suggestion sugges-tion I |