Show I CHI = SomA thought fCunla rose but thua he ca M his Ill now give firpenca where 1 Rive jjroat Where once I want to church Ill no twice to And am go clear too of all other vice I Pope Grapes are retailing at 1G cents per pound The most bounteous harvests have been realized in this valley The events of yesterday sat like a pall on the whole community Judge Lynch reigned superne yesterday afternoon A terribl ex J citing time The Congress Wonders apIeared for the last time at the Theatre 7E3 terday evening There were fourteen death last week five of the number being children under 5 yeaw of age We are likely to have a great many Knights Templar hero Jgain on their return from San Frajc sea Will Gray dawned upon the HERALD nightingales at a late l hour this morning bearing tribute in the way of creature comforts Thduba There is a great deal of unmanned country within us which would have to be taken into nccotn in ex planation of our gusts nod storm George Elli to There are messages at the West era Union Telegraph ollice fr Mrs Charles M Jirough Ilobrt Parka George lloskelly Fritz JJiiad and II RIves Lie coroners jury in the int1n10 t held over the remains of Cavtain Andrew Burt found that he came to his death from a gunshot wound at the hands of Sam Joe Harvey f Yesterdays markets were profusely fusely supplied with fruit vegefta lesand meats of varied kinds too numerous to mention Utah is bv no means a poor place to Jive in eli When a man dies they who survive sur-vive him ask what property he has It ft behind The angel who bends over the dying man asks what good letcls he has sent before him Lmin Firemen attentionThere will ba a special brigade meeting on Monday evening Auguat 27th at 7 f ao It is particularly rcqu led that all the membeis will be pre nt It H HARDY Secretary The record shows th It this city UJP not exi erienced a god so Jvinjr sh > wer of ram since April last Yet it has rained all abound ti5ai even ill this county A shwer w ud be appreciated just now Colonel H B Conpson an flfi cleat deputy m irshd of this fernery fern-ery arrived iere ye teidu irom Ashley bringing wuhhSm a prisoner named For jes charged with < lsUlt with intent to kill The colonel hu been absent for some time The HERALD is indebted u the Silver Brass band for a moot de ightf ul serenade last evening The band indulges in an excursion to Black Hock on the 29th is ant and last evenings tnuaic should bn Miffi cient to draw the whole populace to Black Rock on that day The Knights have come and gone The strike ii over too Tto pivrimlille is nearly don Tbon Arthur dear ndicu Serration one bv one take rest Excitement al ° o dies But constant etill remain the pets Tbe tormentbreeding flit e |