Show ADERSON a P 0 IV ER 07 j Real Estate and Loan Agents OFFICEUntle McCornicks Bank Salt Lake City I PO Box 575 1 t MONEY TO LOAN OX REAL Lu Estate Partial payments received re-ceived on loans Cheap lots for sale on the instalment plan Houses to I rent Rents collected Money > loaned for other parties on first class security aid thorough examination i exami-nation of titles I We Draw up Deeds Mortgages Leases Wills etc in a careful and i systematic manner Notary Public always l in the office I II We have the finest reference maps of the city anywhere to be found 1 t i 1 0 Itouses and Lots For Sale 1700 ONE STORY COTr GE IWO J I uu vI b ick rooms two irarae nest and tidr place lentil Ward near car line outride cca good well orchard of D8 tree and 1s S 1 cerue nach j < ESOn 1HKBE ROOM HOUSE AR S jjOUU senaj hlI lot 3iC rods half csrh 1 balance can remain if deal ed for one or two I rears j i it t1 JZC fEW JIVE ROOM AFOD5 S S rp i w house high Ceiling clctteta arch collar and outhouses Tweutletn Ward S j I lot 3J xl > veil fenced south froot and near S the BLhoolhoase i c PlQn A RUSTIC BOmB OF SIX J Z i JjXOUW tooos in the Twentieth Ward a 1 j HQort distance above the Wall street ditch S b vfa lot 5x10 djQftOft NEW EIGHT nOm ADOBES it ADOBE-S It fiirjjj house corner lo 3yxlO rod well I ieneed fine water privileges ooly hf of tho purchaijprico is require i to be paid down valance can remain at a low rate of interest i 4000 FOUR BOOM liOUE ON tocond South street close to I lisines B lot 3x10 rojs hydrant wtrr y 1 lGOO FOUR ROOM ADOBE HOUSE S t p with hall on Warm Springs carS car-S t I One corner lot 5xS rods east and south front V < t > iftfifi TrtO BOUSES AND E M LL V pJUUU store situated on car Hue Twelfth V t Ward lot Ju2xl65 fet south front This V property will pay a fair rate interest oa the I V V I investment and an opportunity js here of 1 ford to a person of small mcane of a busi V XiOS already etabllshed S S t 4 < nnn LiVE HOQ TWO STORY BOCK puuuu and bick hcuse with two ball f V nye double porch two Iorgo l bay window S V commodious and in a pleasant location 5i4 wen Unlhed throughout lot nearly 5xlu rods S V This place ha beau reduced in price 25 percent per-cent far a short time and purchaser feeds I jay but Ey SlOoO down balance in one and V two yeas cr longer is doafrei V S S V CXKAA A CONVENIENT AND COMo COM-o ± JJj fortable two stOy house high S V aelllns closets rsntjr paroh etc Fourth Sonttt street Ninth Ward ht 5x20 tod well fenced also barn outhoueos etc V Purchasers S can pay part catb balance in time and partial V payments V V 3000 A RUSTIC HOUSE OF FIVE orFJ V puuw rooms and stoic on Mayor Jen V V i sites residence block and close to Utah Con V l tral llai read depot lot 5x10 rods on corner of T street A ls1 btislpe s is carried on in mor ti I I rhasdiing Here is a good OPPOt1tIlty fur V I V jl Ji live business man with a small capital 7 Q nnn FIVE ROOM MOUEKN bTYLE V JUUU adobe hon e near the D and H V t V O B dept largo adobe barn with stalls tofU S S V I < ient to accommodate five spans of horse 4V I lot 5x20 rtds Two foil city IcU i 1 lOsCOrqds I V S h aaciand adjoining the said premises are inV in-V eluded in the above piCO V I 4ari TUBEB KOOM FHA3IB HOUSE S V Q D and bun lot SilO rod 9th Ward I 5000 SIX ROOM RUSTIC lOUSE V I c > ctJJt hiil B V pjutry cellar etc ceiling V S eleven feet high all th3 room1 are nicely tpered end paInted hjdrsnt water in house S V sramain runs by lot oslOrois well fenced brick carnage house and stab 0 for one pan i V of hnises Ibis property is i only three and a S half block from tborostoffice V V V TFin flIttEr UOOM FRAME HOUSE V VtJJ Arsenal Hill head j on at of Main t I tireet V T PiHAn A BEAUTIFUL HOME EX S J iOUUU qiiitey furnished situated V in the most tjhh residence portion of tho i fl city oil the horso car line consisting of u 1 I inodcrn style houec oi t irteon room and V q I four loom batcmeut douolo grand rerandah S spacious ball extra large Brand parlor and V l aonble parlor largo chambers en suite spa i V claus ciceLs modern lichen coiiTCLlen erj 1V V V tot and cold water bath room with sewerage i E t V sewer-age conveniorce wash room containing Pta 1 iionary wash tub mowing room bervanti rooms largo and pcrfecty dry cellar every S i convenience for the most exacting requirements i f r I require-ments of modern liousokcoping Spacious V I 1 grounds surrounding beautified by lawn V t Ijl choice variety of flowers vines shade find V 0 S V 1 fruit trees Walk arbor and croquet groundS ground-S S i The Tory expend and tastefully selected furniture carpets articles of virtu brica f V brac and houaehold goods of every des rip I tion irlll bo sold with the place and are Included In-cluded in the at ove price All the reception I 1 i rooms halls and chambers are papered in the 1 i latest and costliest patterns The furniture S V V in the grand parlor alone cost 53000 For V 11 ho minutest particulars apply at ur office f i 2000 ItODR RUOM ADOBE HOUSE it l I S pL5uJ IInl1 cellar on n convenient 5Iizo V o t V lot south front near the depot and first d V class water rightS j right-S TlHAT ELEGANT RESIDENCE COR Eli El-i V V S THAT Temule and Filth Hast streets i the Da Halt property situated on high hi Vu I ground in the most desirable residence portion S 1 l V por-tion of the city firstclass snrroundinqi On the brat floor lea large double parlor with W S ue bay wndow facing north another east t commanding front entrmco opening into a Sf S I V V spacious hall large sitting room with bay t V I window facing wBt dining room smoking V h i 1r S room conservatory and commanding aide tT entrance Un the cecond floor are tli chain HI l V hors three of ordinary size and threes of large > It dimensions supplied ithm1r wnshstands i i 1 V I S bath room also a large room used as a chil 4V 9 V drens play room over which is tr o observatory S V t observa-tory ttfordlne a commanding view of the > 1 J city The basement contains a spacious i 2 kitchen aud cellar and two pantries convenient V V 1 i conveni-ent ly fitted up with drawers and shelves V V t She interior of the bouse coircf ponds in all V 1 V V respects with the rragaificent exterior nnd 10 the residence is well known as one of the finV I r t in and In V cut appearance perfect appointment V V L1 i appoint-ment in tho city The house is supplied V throughout with a most efficient und expen j Hive system of plumbing Inolnding ga hot V V and cold water water Unt connected with I terw 4 city water mains Venetian blinds and blackS V 5 walnut doors Large barn containing ample room for sevcrl horses and carriages coach S l Ii mans room carpenter shop and store room sl granary and hay loft the ground surrounding i sur-rounding the house ate inclosed by a hand somo iron feuce and ornamented by beautiful II t lawn wslkg shade and fruit trees For ti V price and rail particulars apply at our office 1 7KOH TWO WELL AND bdBStANTI 1 i tuww ally built houses one seven the rfr A other five rooms closets cellars etc hy q tj dcant water lot 6x12 rod nice lawn iron tl l il I t trnra in front This nionnrfv IB nltnitforl In v S the heartof the city ii the moet i biro Vu bi-ro idenc9 portion V QftA THREE BOOM HOUSE ARSENAL V OUU Hill lot 3x6 rods half cash balance V S ean remain if desired for one and two years gi nAA FIVE BOOM HOUaE OS OAR V > 1OUU fi fl rra E tpiuuu Hue lot 6x10 rods a comfortable V place for the price i mn WEAKLY NEW FOUR BOOM V5 41p Pt house Twelfth Ward Wardfinely finished < V V fin-ished throughout south front lot 4x7 rods V on car line hydrant water close by Qinnn iwo bioRy ADOBK HOUSE V I ± UUU pantry well barn lot 5x20 east 5 I t fS i I DDOOOtJDD nnnnngnnan fiia > erf alt Lake thy V nnnnnSaaan Vaid3 NulubereU nnnDscflnaa DDDDODDDD Jf I LJtJLJIiAv 3 j DODOOC rnrnG1l0JrJ DDDDDiD LliJ DD QD U IFODDDQB00HJ0GJi1 S 1J IB0U1GIjJlr ElDDODDL ODDDDDDOODO I GlDODODci EJ0l IZiiJiam 1 ill II II ILJrv pL < > V an nnianiDDnDffi k ft I RiagnnDCEacgras GJIJBi1fU3 F3 V ta GI I c < I 18iiDC2oncE3i3nt32ll CmTrr U 4 EJOOUDDr < ffH 1ffi 1 m 800P I m5g m S S ffiII H 3 R n u m w ia B n raSH Iffil I f lr 1 Iff m m JFmDOuD rnElrn IIL111Ji L i Y tI IJOODJEJI0G im EEJ BEJDOEJOD010 H It 8 iiinnnnnnca DBSiDDD SH fID DDDOillDDO DnDImDlDoDVEDDDDDn I I in ii3f 0 iKi n DDOOOrffiJ DODrPE 4 Ii1 fi i i I DriJfJ J lmOJJD jJI Q J DDD O D II S DDDDDDQ DDD oaannnan S G GDDD DOOO z innnnooan IDDGlDniDlilKlDDDiliilillDaDDDDDn 1 front fenced and well cultlvatsd Lot has sutRcfent frontage for a nice building only two blocks east of business centre Y7 O 00 THREE HOUSES OK ONE 1t lot 7x10 rods east from only three blocks from business center flits property will bring ten per cent iu the in mentand with the probaMense in realty Is worthy tho attention of investor 1 > 100 THREE ROOM POUSE AR 8i Ut > v tonal Hill commanding view 3 000 Elegantly finished five mom 1 cottage on car IHK for particulars partic-ulars of which call at cur office 4000 Five room new tandem style tw story adobe house just built in 12th Ward in fashionable location high ceilings and modern conveniences lot 2ixlO rodsFour 1550 Four room udobe betas 1Kb Ward lot 4x10 lods 5 000 New sx room brick house bay i I I window also two room rustic house brick linod good barn lot 8xIO rods nice neighborhood and in a pill of the citv now rapidly being built up 5 000 Eight room new and substantially substan-tially built house bath nom water and gas well finished throughout fxcoilnnt bcition and on car Hue lot 50x165 toot Q ffA Three room brick hou = e high 1 ceiling in the 11th Ward lot 5x20 rods covered with a good orchard 1 000 Three room adobe house 20th Ward south front lot 6x1 ndsood well < inn FiVE ROOMS imcc AND > yuuu adobe beautiful southeast corner cor-ner lot with sufficient room for a nice residence resi-dence on corner in the Twelfth Vnjd location and surrrvjndings fir t class Si tOfi THREE KOOM ADOBK HOUSE VL1 hull pastry closet I and c chars Twentieth Ward coratr lot 6x10 rods facing fac-ing east well fenced sliado trees around It 000 NEW SIODERN SEVEN ROOM fyDVVV brick house Twelfth Ward detached de-tached wash house hot and cold water onoo EIGHT ROOM ADOBE CORner i OVJUU COR-ner JOt half down ba once on time 07 SO BARGAIN RUSTIC HOUSE tp uJ eight rooms two summer kit cheat barn lot 3x10 three block from Main street rents for f30 par msnth QlGKH BRICK COTTAGE OP FOUR plOOU room IJlnth Ward Third East street well and pump porch outhouses etc lot 4x10 rods Ai KAA EIGHT ROOM ADOBE HOUSE 1500 l 9Jr 2 g > 1OUU lytn Ward four and a half blocks north of thelemple 1 QAA FOUR MOM ADOBE HOUSE tplOUU 111th Ward fouranda half blocks north of the Temple Tnnn ADOBE HOUSE OF SIXTEEN HUUU rooms cellr barn lot 4J xl2 rods 13th Ward east front hydrant water suitable for a boarding house 4000 SIX Ruon ADOBE HOUSE p ± UUU Twentieth Ward good barn plenty of water corner lot 10x10 rods south an east front excellent fruit near car lice ORAAA MODERN SITLK ADOBE tpJUUU House of ten rooms one half block from business center in a very valuable location fine lawn and shado trees Cisnnn cozy RUSTIC COTTAGE FOUR QOUUU looms cellar barn T7th Ward close to business beautiful view healthy loca on 5000 Adobe house of 8 room llth ward close to car line pleasant neichorhord nearly a fall lot well fuitfd Hydrant water clasH by < IJA 000 SUBURBAN RESIDENCE GOOD QOjUUU House and three full lots covereg with tree vines and shrubbery in a commanding command-ing position facing three streets Strong flowing flow-ing springs Considerable building material Roes with it Will swap for property nearer to Main street < Srtn THREE ROOM HOUSE LOT 6oO < J > O t JU Pal rod 11th Ward part cash balance rn tim if desired cnnnn FIE noosi BUICK HOUSE e 3UUU Fifteenth Ward lot 0x10 rods near the D B G R depot lot sufficiently largo to build one or more Houses which are commanding high rents in that vicinity 9ifift COMFORTABLE AND COZY Vjt vu five room house closets porch cellar and granary good well anaforco pump barn and onthousoalot SIlO rods with choice orchard Owner desirous of leaving 700 TWO ROOM HOUSE AND FULL V lot on Tenth Ward Bench near geyser brewery OORAft HANDSOME SEVEN ROOM OOJUlf rustic house 19th Ward bench fine view bay window porches splendid well tank and hydrant connections lawn and orchard good barn Lot 4x10 rods tf > 1 CZf FOUR BOOM FRAME ADOBE cD J UOU bonse 21st Ward lot 5x10 rods TTiOUKBOOM ADOBE 19TH WARD LOT r 2JdxlO rod Price SSOO I 4 iOO Stx room adobe house walls tt Jvv three aj0ie3 thick 10 foot ceilings Eaten foot hall tiDe clorets good cellar stable outhouses etc lot 2xlO rode south front middleway between be-tween depot and Main Street 5 000 Nine room ad ° hj house near I business center barn outhouses good well and pump large lot good orchard or-chard Hast be sold quick Enquire at once SAflflft SEVEN ROOM HOUSE PAN VtUUU tries closets buttery cellar on Main street close to business Hydrant water hun etc For partlcularsonquire at waterS flo4 4 000 NINE ROOM HOUSE CEL t pttv jv itr stable cow homo and othe outhOuSE Rosic walled wel and force pump Qholce variety of fruit trees lawn paintad I lcket fence all in firstclass order A FBAME ADOBELINED HOUSE OF AFBAME A four rooms in the 11th Ward near the corner of 8th But and M South Steetsilot ii20 rods price S15CO S1VEN ROOM HOUSE AND FULL A LOT 1010 rods iu the 2tth Ward g od well and pump corner lot nice view price S20UO lAOn FIVE KoOM POUE NBA qlOUU car line lot 3tlO rods finely cUlli vnted and well fenced See in for full par tieular t Jtonnn PEVEN ROOM ADOBE HOUSK g i UWU Ninth Ward lot 70x310 feet goo I orchard of choice fruits one half block from car line good well 1EA ONE KOOM FRAME ABODE vZOU lined house Ist Ward IfliEGANC TWO S lO ttY RESIDENCE Pi urge and commodIous rooms line location loca-tion east frontage with gas hot ami cold water bath room hot air furnace lot j6x3 I feet barn and outhouses A purchaser wanting want-ing ajbeantiful home at very reasonable price should call and see us c1000 FOUl ROOM HOUSE TURN iP 1ovv etc and fall botiu 20m Wud 1tj1Efli COMFORTABLE H UE ONE j 4500 block from the Temple eight room adobe cellar waterworks fountain lawn trees corner lot grand view close to business busi-ness very attractive and healthy location Apn Oi A MODERN STYLE NEW AND c15tt i wel flnisiied six room brick house tay wind w fire place marble mantel twelve feet co ling closet porch cellar coal hous eta lot 3lt 20 rods 9000 BeIZ4Ctcorn6r 5x10 rods Iblock 1 from business centeron the carline car-line water and ga suitable for a fine resilience hotel or bjardiog h < usu Full particulars on application at our office 5000 New brick end adobs house of 9 I rooms in 9lb ward on car line closet cupboard high roiling large dry cellar big new Adobe burn nice neighborhood ii jEV and elo int eight room brick 11 h > ue three large closets pintry aid cellar hydrant water iron mantle piece und fire grate of finest quality walls cf houaG extra thickness This house is finely finish d inside and out well arranged location end surroundings surround-ings urifurpassed with east front and near business center and in i such a property pro-perty as is not ofion placed on the market I mar-ket For terms apply at our office 5000 Peian residence of eight rooms in 19th ward commanding com-manding view from the bay windows oJ cityIake valley tmd mountain large lowell lo-well fruited and watered ydrant water The lot is nicely terraced and sot with choice varieties of grapes 5200 il ° ddrn style room house 12th wnra with closets bath room cellar and hydrant water lot 60x165 feet with lawn shrubbery etc Pirtioa wishing a fino borne and a good location should apply soon WIOKft iHREE BOOM COTTAGE c jLatJv with dr dy large oollr and proba lily the best well ot water on the 20th Ward bench Lot 7x7 iod well fenced Buildine Lots 350 tj fJCS RODS CAR LINE NINEteenth 1 NINE-teenth tard 2 7K FULLDriY LOT ARSENAL HILL r41 I near Harrlsona Castle 3000 CHOICEST BUILDING LOT fjJ utju two blocks from Main KtrnoK aect front water and gas 4tlo rods > 1 000 HKtehQrjARTER9 OF A IOT tpOV V V in seconj Ward near car line 150 WHOLE LoT > TWENrrFJE3T ward Si 050 B ° Al > INS LOT Bib ROD V i uo v V pleasant location little a north of Eagle gatiHorcE Jjnnrv CHOICE CORNER BUILDING foVVV lot > fine frnlt and hade trees 69 rods with right of rear alley near Liberty Park easy terms tflSOO NOTaER 090ICE BUILDING I tpouu lot fine fruit anti shade tree 5i9 rods with right of rear alley near Liberty Park Easy terms w E HAVE A BUItDINQ LOT CLOSEa I to business center 4 or 6x12 rods between be-tween First and Beyond South streets suitable for a fino residence See us for price and particulars 900 BUILDiNG LOT lPxl0 BOWl ONa B 1 haUl atreot well feuced and good water facilities This lot can ba bought by paying part cash wth ample tima en balance bal-ance 8300 BUILDING 3d Ward cheap LOT SXl ° ROD3 TJUSINESS LOT 50X330 FEET ON SECOND D tfouth street opposita Scotts Ware directly in the line houSe of businase expansion expan-sion For nrice and term ap sly at Oir offics fWBSTrFIVB FEET Wnusar88 L ground Is offered for ash > rt time tar tlcnlars on application at our once 400 COKNER BUILDING LOT ON V 2l8t Ward car lino Is clou to by drant water Part cash Daanco you can have jour own time on BUdINESi GROUND AT RIO PER FOOT DUSINESS GROUND AT 520 PER FOOT BUSINESS GROUND AT 5250 PER FOOT 425 FIVE Ward BY TEN RODS TRIaD 1000 BUILDING LOP AT HEAD OF p Main street UxS rods which for scenic effact In unsurpassed in our beautiful city 2000 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT Olla foetArsenal Hill shade and fruit trees grape vines water rights grand view of the briny lake snow capped moan talna and blooming valley 1 > 630 CORNER BUILDING LOT 5S10 Q rods Second South Eleventh lust pioket fence level ground only a block I < rom car line StOO cash balance air months 6rtKno BUILDING LOT S2rl65 FEET I JDOUU second West street near South Temple Fourteenth Ward or will sell half for 52750 Tnli lot being 10 close to business busi-ness should command the early tontJonof I lour I budllJLB men I 13000 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE QJvU on BrlRhau street 8J > < sll3 feft smith front adjoining and In line vltli some of our citys finest reMdencc This lot will not lone be on the ruarEet being th onlj Ito oflTed on that ftreet and for that figure within reasonnble distance i i 100 8UtLIII N Ior 5x10 RODj ci near the D I R H depot block 850 Ruilding lot 2 > xlO rods close to Main St 1000 F building lot on 7th Et nearcar line either in whole or two parcels on tho installment plan FOR A SPECULATION WE WOULD r call special attention to a full city block just laced in our hands to sell not far from business and which if cut up into proper building lots now so much in demand would realize a good percentage The block can be cut up into thirtyfire lots of Ave rods frontage each with streets and alloys diagrams oi which can be eeen at our office 0 HASS LuT NINE rEENrH WARD RIO Oenn tpOUU < CHOICE BUILDING LOT 5x20 rods new Captain Hoopers resi deuce IGth Ward Qmnn BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT rplUUU 31 x10 rods plelPant location four blacks ease of Main street south front fruit trees and new picket f me BUILUINJ LOT CLOE TO BUSINESS 1 contre 6x10 rods sultaole for one or two fine residences Very desirable location I J1500 BUSINESS LOT ON COMMBR JJlJUU et f eiai street near First south < 1000 BUSINESS LOT ON COMMER ViJUJ cial street near Second oonth 1 1000 IIESIUENCE LOT SEVEN VLVVV of leenth Ward on car line 3x10 rods S tOU zzr FULL LOT 10 x 10 RODS IN puu lwenl Twentyfirst Ward C 350 yl1rtV 10 x 10 nOD IN Tweatrflrat Ward 4o0 FULL rW 10 r 10 nODS IN Twentyfirst Ward OgOO leffa1 building site Second South streotnear business For partioularseuquirH tot our office 8500 jive Dy len rod lo 7th Ward in A tony location not far from Olift row VUUU FUL CORNER LOT ON TWEN tyfirst Vard car line near hydrant HItor sloping gently to the south will sol either hilt part tlmo balance installments cheapest lot or the market 100 HSVr FRONT 3x18 RODS only threo blocks trom Slain street VLLW CHOICE BUILDING LOT NEAR Second South street borhood nice neigh 1000 FOUR FULL GRASS LOTS J lfcac tit five acres in each 19th Ward 950 HE3IDEHOE LOT ON ARiENAL j Hill tine view close to business FIVE ACRE GRASS LOT IN THE Bid Field for S423 Outside Properties Ci7flnn FARM OF 200 ACHES NEAR HiButon fo ty acres in cnlhm lion twelve acres in lucerne 50 fruit trees two room adobe house thereon stable room for thirty head of tock corrals stock yards sheep pen and sheds SlfiCO worth of water right twenty six head of horned stock six head of horses aad mates 250 head of sheep hogs and poultry full line of implement from a hoe to a mower three wagons new buggy and harness A 1 RIlfl QUA1R SECTION NEAR SK Jteunentlary good land creek runs through it United theSes patent 2000 TWELTJS ORES OF CHOICE farming land in Forest farm just thX1DSlanainFOre8t south of the city V STOO SEV < N AND A HALF ACRES near Jordan bridge all cultivated water right two houses on it one of three room the other one room stable etc S2UO TlN A < 3RE8 HALF MILE WEST qJ Poppers farm over Jordan 1500 BRICK YARD 0s TWENtY ii T serfS close to aandr station good qurlily of cay first class new bnckmak K machl cry will bull the machinery separ ately for S100 Owner wislea to quit for want of capital PllTrSEVEN ACRES OF LAND ABOUT one and onehalf miles northwest of Jor dan Bricge sandy loam soil fourpole fence all around It water facilities good For terms and price apply at our office I A Fine farming property of over 100 acres onehalf mile south of Gardner Gard-ner Mill on Jordan 30 acres under cul tivation 30 acres meadow lanG orchard farm house outside cellar stable sheds corral etc abundant water oupply The best farm for the money on the mar ket for sale GOOD LOCATION FOR TIlE ERECTION O of Smelting and deduction Works 13o acres of land near Patcooa lime kiln adJ Din ing city limits on the north Denver and Rio Grnirte Western Railway anti Utah Central Railroad runs through it For sale in parcels to suit customers r 2000 VERY STRON EVER FLOW uw lug water power with eighty aCre of land not far from Bait Lake City A again I a-gain for a manufacturer For Rent ill New modern ftyla brick Twoiteh Wad en Fourth East street 527 5 < > New seven room brick Sixth EastOn East-on car line S30 linFIye rcorn new brick Sixteenth Ward on car line V D mBRKITORIAL AND COUNTZ SCRIP TERRITORIAL ld We are Agents for the Gnion Steamship Line Passage ticket for Bale to and from Europe Drafts on all principal cities in Betpo CJ buy Dr Bensons Celery and I Chamomile Pills and introduce them I wherever I go Personal knowledge and experience of their effects on otheisprompts th > s act Rev J P Fugett rector St Lukes chui ch Myersburg Pa Fifty cents at ding gists a e IT is the common observation that the standard of natural health and normal activity among American Ameri-can women is being lowered by the influence of false ideas and habits of life engendered by fashionable ignorance and luxurious living It is a happy circumstance that Mrs Lydia E Pinkham has come to the front to instruct and cure the sufferers suf-ferers of her sex f OS1T f1 iAI i 19 lJ 1 Hostetters Stomach Bitter j increasing vital power and renJ ing the physical functions reg and active keeps the systera good working order and protect againL disease For constigat dyspepsia and liver complaint E ousness kidney and rheumatic ments it is invaluable and it afic a sure defence against ruak3 fevers besides removing all t of such dijwwn i from fh > VerB l 1 I DR STEINHART 205 MAIN ST SALT LAKE OK HAVING JUST RETURNED FB JGL Europe offers his services to t citizens of Salt Lake and vicinity has had twenty five years perience in the special treatment all Venereal Sexual and Chronic I eases and guarantees to euro all Urt Disease SYpilitic or Murcurial Ail tions rf the Throat Skin or 1k NERVOUS DEBILITY Impotency i Lost Manhood the effects of whi various meddenipg and destrucii both body and mind and unless i will terminate fatally The pre = ecc tho diaeaaO causes a continual eciousness of a slow and gradat cay of all the power of b V 1 and mind with loss of m power and vigor defective men heart allections loss of sight nos tho head and ears confusion ofi Ie aversion to society excessive protrite trotrbliDK of the hands and limbt sumption marasinus and ultimate raneomont of the mind The will 00 becomes so weak that the person seen looo control of himself end tic look one square in the face It causes Dyspepsia and Indigestion Heart and Kidney Disease Cons Lion is frKK and invited Come its do not put it off All correspond confldenlal Office hours 10 to3aJ to 8 evening bundays to 1 TO THE FRONT ANNING BECK REAL ill tate and Loan Agents Notaria lie Properties for Sale Houses to Rents Collected Money to Loan i flit ate Business Promptly Attend Office 64 Second South Street t v Box49D MATTHEW CUILEN JACOB i O SALT LAKE Gil BREWERY oFJOt CTAYIiJQ THE FINEST OF HA tain spring water in the c0fl0t havo selected our present J site for manufacture of LAG B BEER Barley With the choicest Wah trS Hopi we finest New York State Ink pared to supply in any quantitY notICe shortest and bottles on the popular brand of Salt Lake City Brewery S ojiLEN PrOp MORITZ rv WHY WILL YOU cough J IbJJohs Cure will give imDl Belief B-elief Price 100t 60c and Sl > T Z G M I Drug Store |