Show I EIDnLE ABSICA SALVE The greatest medical wonder of the world Warranted to speedily cure Borne Braises Cuts Ulcers Salt Rheum Fever Boras Cancers Piles Chilblains Corns Tetter Chapped Hands end all efcln erup tions guaranteed to ear in very Intithnoe or money returned 25 abuts par baL Paea1ekZOIef L Bros llton V I A BUR ON A DRUG TORE Never was such a rush made fox any Drug Store as Is now at Z C M I Drug Store for a trial Bottle ot Dr Kings Now Discovery for Consumption Con-sumption Coughs and Colds All persons affected with Asthma Bronchitis HoireeneES Severe Coughs or any affection of the Throat and Lungs can get a Trial Bottle ot this great remedy free by wiling at above Drug Store Begu inr Aba 100 5 THE NEW METROPOLITAN HOTEL A Desirable Family Hotel with all the Pleasant Surroundings of Lawn Shade Tree etc etc A FiretclafE Hotel for 200 per day SrocJil rates by the week or mopth L SIMON Proprietor Cor Wait Temple and Third Pintb St Sal Lab City I TIME FLIES aUf so do diseases of the skin when that incomparable I purifier of the cuticle and beautifier of the complexion GLENNS SULPHUR SUL-PHUR SOAP is used to dIsperse them Pimples blotches sores and bruises and the like are invariably removed by it HILLS HArE AND WHISJEEE DYE Black or Brown 50o I < j 1HE ONLY absolute cure for Scrofula j I Scrofuloui Contagion Itching Scaly Pimply Mercurial Cancerous Infantile and Birth Humors Blood Poison and Torturing Skin Diseases is the CUTJCURA REUZMES They have performed miracles of cures when pbyii clan hospitals and all other means aied They are the only Skin and Blood Cures free from mercury arsenic end < mineral potions They are prepared by chemists of worldwide celebrity and unsullied sullied honor They difIer In composition from all other known remedies Hence they command the confidence of physicians physi-cians druggists and all afflicted CUTICUEA KESOLVENT The new blood purifier kills the dheua terms Scrofulous Contagions andln lerited Humors which float in the blood urine And perspiration expelling them trough the bowel kidneys and pores of the sum CUTICUUA a medicinal jelly eats away the dead fkin and flesh nlNys cbings and irritations often soothes and heals It iniantly relieves the most torturIng Itching Humota Itching Piles and Delicate Irriutions CTJTICUKA PAP prepared from CTJTICUBA is Indispensable In-dispensable in the treatment of Skin Dis > eae Infantile and Birth Humor and for preserving nnd beautifY l1K the Hkin SCROFULOUS Humor on face neck and head for 12 year permanently cured by CUTICTJBA REMEDIES after mcdicl bud hospital reatmnnt had failed Hon dYm layer lay-er 8 Femberton iq Boston SALT RHEUM covered the body for 10 years and resisting all known eihods of treatment cured by CUTICDBA RXM KDIES Chas Houghton lawyer l 28 State st Boston I PSORIASIS or Leprosy of 20 years I l standing perfectly cured rto = t wonder ful case on reoord Cure certified to be too a magittrate and wellknown citizen citi-zen H E Carpenter Henderson New York I SKIN DISEASE Of the most painful nature on his head 1 face eyes and hands nearly destroying S his eyesight cured after a consultation tL physicians Lad Jailed F U Drake C Detroit Mich Milk Crust Baby of two years nead covered with crusts and sores cured and < S t now a fine healthy child Mrs Boxers i 45 Clinton street Cincinnati Puce CUT ICUR 50a and 100 per box REOLVENT Si00 per bottle t OUTICURA SOAP 25a CUTICOBA S HAViiiO SOAr 15c Sold everywhere I Potter Drug and Chemical Co j Boston I 5 D A DV For Infantile and Birth Hum S JMD I ors Rough Chapp of Greasy Snin Pimples and minor SKin Blemishes use CUTICUEA SOAP an exqui3ite KIN BEAUTIFIEB and Toilet Bath and Nursery Sanative Fragrant with delicious flower odors and Cur rcnRA healing balsam = 4 CATARRH Ip f S rf S COMPLETE TREATMENT 1 A single dose of Sandforda Radical Care instantly relieves the most vi lent Sneezing or Hood Colds clean the Head as by magic stops watery discharges S 5 from the Nose and Byes prevents lUng jog Noises in the Head cure Nervoaa Fleadcho nnd subdues Chills and Fever In Chronic Oatarrh it cleanses the nasal passsgfis of foul mucus restores the senses of smell tsto and hearing when affected fras the head throat and bronchial uoe < 5 of offmsiva matter sweetens and t purities the breath stops the cough and > arrests l the progress of Catarrh towards Consumption One bottle Kadical Cure ono box CatArrhal Ca-tArrhal Solvent and ndfoda Inhaler all in one package of all drdggiets for fLAsk fL-Ask for HANDFORDS ROICAL CUBE POTTK DRUG AND CHEM Co BOSTON CO L L f NS Foe the relief and prerea > I U tion TcK DJ8TAUT n II AP VOLTAIC I riJKD of Rheumatism Nen S N 1i I iJf rslvia Sciatica Coughs yColfa Weak Back Stomach 1 S < and BowelsShootlng Pains t S i s leO I le-O Pftlnn Palpitation Djapop S fJ S X sla Liver Complaint Bill ELECTPJp vous Fever Malaria and S I e Epidemics use Coxxis8 PLA11lEbS PUBTJn au ExzcricBts XZBT combined with H Poaotw Piurr and I laugh at patn ovarywbure irtJ i ReDuctions in Coal utA eiJANTOrt S ByarLoadperton 350 At Yard II 5 S4LGO SS Delivered 8150 S tOUR f JPBINGS tiy Oar Load per ton 600 S At Yard I 850 j i Delivered ll 1700 S r WEBER By Car Load per ton 450 J At Yard II 525 j 5 Delivered II f600 Watch Buildings Main Street ABBAS GOULD Agent S e ODELL SON f I iq i C LUIMI ERS 1 In Plain White or Tints t i r JOBBING PLASTERING r 5 4 1 Grata Setting Chimney Topping Oia J trns Bud Filters Built and Bepaired etc WhiteWashing General Jobbing i Shop and Off03 North side of First ri South Street opposite Continental H W lnLoirs oV Paint hop I I r 1 |