Show An instance of the incredible assur assurance assurance assurance ance and ability of Pepito Arriola the pianist who makes his American debut this season was w s maul feted f ted on the occasion of his appearance in London Pepito was to ap appear appear appear pear in Albert hall with the Symphony orchestra and Chapman and he was to play a Liszt Concerto which he had never before performed in public On Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing going to the rehearsal however they found that the conductor was seriously ill m that no rehearsal of any eny kind would take place and that the concert master of the orchestra not the conductor would wield the baton at the concert Itself This was disheartening news and mother and impresario Daniel Mayer could not conceal their th ir consternation but the first to rally raB and that quickly kly was vas Pepito himself He clenched his little hands and smote the table I will play without a rehearsal But you have neer never played this con concerto concerto concerto certo before remonstrated his mother and friends fends f That matter answered Pe Pepito Pepito Pepito pito I know what every Instrument In Inthe inthe inthe the orchestra has to play In this concer concerto c concerto to and I will do It ft The concert was wass a tremendous suc sue success success cess After being recalled a acore score core of times and aud having to add numerous en encores encores encores cores the light had to be put out before the audience would disperse |