Show TO BUilD NEW BRIDGES Emery and Grand Counties Raise Fund to Add to States Appropriation Special to The Nov 6 The county com corn commissioners commissioners missioners of Emery county have started a good roads movement in a substantial way At their fast last session they called for a bond election to vote ote on the prop proposition proposition proposition of issuing worth of bonds for the building of bridges and repair repairing repairIng repairing ing roads There are five rivers in the county and andall andaU andall all aU the bridges were washed away except the one at Huntington A steel bridge will be placed there The county also is bordered on the east by b Green river At Atthe Atthe Atthe the last session of the legislature an ap appropriation appropriation of was made for a n abridge abridge bridge at Green River but no bids for forthe forthe forthe the bridge could be obtained at that price and Emery Emr and Grand counties have to make up about or lose the state appropriation Funds for this bridge also will wUl be pro provided provided vided In the bond issue and there thre may be something left leU to grade the roads Many new projects are being started in this neighborhood and with 3 spent on the roads there would be a boom in the county count |