Show L os CrA uD f t Da F a aTHE c I THE FIRELESS COOKER IN THE SMALL S L HOUSEHOLD VING passed its experimental HAVING fl I stage fireless cooking is some something something something thing which should be reck reckoned reckoned reckoned with by every house housekeeper keeper ke per This magical box will wilt solve the do domestic domestic domestic service service problem in many homes and even the trained maid will hail it ii with joy It is no respecter of persons as it produces as satisfying meals fox for forthe the woman who earns her living by the thc day as it does for the teacher the stu student student student dent or woman of leisure While the cooker does many wonder wonderful ful and unexpected things it will not nol generate its own heat This must be supplied in abundance from other sources and this heat retained gives the process of slow continuous cooking which has been pronounced by authorities authorities authorities ties as the ideal manner of cooking This process gives the least margin for mistakes and the nutriment and flavor of the food is retained Value of tho Cooker In the past year the number of fireless cookers put on the market is astonish astonishing astonishing astonishing ing From the cumbersome has grown the attractive appearing cooker that can be placed in the dining room if jf necessary without detracting from om the furnishings It is a veritable godmother for the woman in large cities who pays an ex exorbitant exorbitant price for a hall hail bedroom and perhaps on that account stints herself in nutritious food A box takes up very pace even in ina ina ina a hall ball bedroom After heating a cereal popping it into the cooker the receptacle cle can be pushed under the bed out of ight sight until morning when lo 10 and be behold hold the owner can take the nutritious hot breakfast from the cooker without I II 1 l ss 55 of time as is necessary when pre preparing preparing preparing paring meals over the gas jet gas plate or alcohol lamp Ml All 11 the long costly operations necessary necessary sary in in stewing steaming and broiling are cut down to just the necessary timeto time to tu bring ring the foods to be served to the point where they are thoroughly heated In this way gas or coal bills are modi modified modified fied fled the house is free from odor or team steam and the time spent watching the foods med mcd to tidy up the rooms or do other necessary work Absence of or Odor j i ae w corned orned and cabbage dinner IKc unes a delight as no s of Olt escapes capes e into the room and by choking the vegetables vegetable without t a a cover ihn getting kitting them t lem heated for the coker cooker the odor is lessened more than It seems almost incredible onions onions can be cooking in one asie com corn compartment while a dainty dessert is be bein bein being in ing T r n pared in i n another without the slightest t possibility of the mingling of flaun fiat rs But such is IS the case ks leso The cooker is a priceless boon to the hou Keeper during the summer months esp to the one whose family de demands manus mands hearty hot ha food summer and winter and in this instance it becomes an lk t assistant to the farmers wife A disorderly kitchen full of steam PRACTICAL EFFICIENCY DEMONSTRATED to the sermon as there is no danger of the dinner being dried up or burned to a crisp During the rush of field fieldwork fieldwork fieldwork work the cooker filled with its load of meat vegetables and coffee is trans transferred transferred transferred to the scene of action early in inthe inthe inthe the morning and the men served their thir dinner while resting beneath some shady tree Especially is this desirable when the field is a mile or two from the house and a walk in the hot un sun is dreaded by the hands Cooker In the Army A basket packed with the dishes can accompany the cooker and the men men wait upon themselves This is not a theory but actual fact as last summer it was put into practical test The heavy noon meal out of the way the farmers wife can take part or all of that time to either rest or do other needful work in the theline theline theline line of sewing and mending before supper sup supper supper per time arrives Serving large families families families lies in this manner has been successfully demonstrated by the United States Army and certainly soldiers work as ashard ashard I Inard hard nard and eat as heartily as hands in inthe inthe inthe the harvest field But what about abo t the city or town housewife who does not have to earn her own living She too will find it ita ita ita a boon With the rush nt h of philanthropies pies and charities that these days fairly deluge this class of women and gener generally generally generally ally have them at their wits end most of the time to find the time to fulfil all the demands upon them the fireless cooker lifts the load of anxiety from her hersh sh She can prepare her din dinner dinner ner ncr thoroughly heat it and pop it into the cooker then shop visit or do char charity charity charit ity it work until fifteen minutes of din dinner dinner ner ncr time when she removes the food piping hot puts on the finishing touches and has a meal well cooked served on time and accomplished without removing removing ing her dainty gown if she so desires Proportioning Timo Where several kinds of f vegetables ve or orm meats m ats are to be cooked which require different di erent lengths of time in which they will become tender those requiring the longer time are put over first when it is time for the others to be put in inthe inthe inthe the kettle is taken from the cooker and these vegetables or meats are heated thoroughly on coal or gas range just justas as the first lot were w rc and then all put in inthe inthe inthe the fireless Every time anything is added to the kettle it must first be thor thoroughly thoroughly ly heated before being put into the cooker In this way one will find each kind of vegetable or meat thoroughly cooked when it is meal time This may read like a very fussy way to get a meal but it requires very little time and no watching after once put into the cooker and as vegetables take from one to several hours to become thoroughly cooked the fireless method leaves many hours which otherwise would have to be spent in the kitchen watching to see that they did not burn J M t 3 fI i t 1 hu huf 4 f zo 73 G I ft t f ft fl I l 1 ne I W oI eo eoW io r I IL Ii 7 7 l L r L V 1 I Iv L Q 4 I IZ 1 v t Z 1 S f 4 TJ i W rt i SI SIS ii ot 11 2 0 v k S 0 1 pl h hi 20 Ji i S i 5 1 F 4 1 t v wn l Ei ef I iti t L CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH PINEAPPLE GARNISH smoke and food odors di II can an be trans transformed transformed formed into an a l room and ana leave leae the housekeepers housekeeper mind and body free from worry giving her periods of rest Test in in which she can recuperate and be bere beresh re resh reh h to tn complete the meal Th The Sunday dinner is cooking while she is is at church and she can listen in in peace or boil dry Of course the housewife can put some things over oer and remain from home all aU day da but with others the she he cannot canoot She will have to plan her meals accordingly according S Economy in Use For the woman in humble circum S I ECONOMY IN USE I stances it ft is a money saver for cheap meats become expensive exp when long 1 cooking is is necessary to make them pal palatable palatable palatable and digestible In the cooker the cheapest toughest meats become as ten tender tender tender der as spring chicken and with the ex expense expense expense pense of a fraction of a cent A beef heart makes a satisfying meal when properly cooked with vegetables When cooked by gas or coal it costs seven times its price in in fuel before it becomes fit to eat cat With the fireless cooker it takes just hour to simmer then placed in in the he cooker for ten hours be becomes becomes comes a tender ten ler er piece of meat accompanied accompanied accompanied with delicious delicio us broth that can be utilized for its gravy gravy I Do not think for an instant that care carelessness carelessness carelessness in dealing with a cooker will vill result in success any my more than with a range Utensils Utensil Necessary Tightly covered kettles are a necessity necessity necessity sity to prevent the steam from rom escaping after the contents have become boiling hot for it is absolutely necessary that the foods should be made boiling hot hotto hotto hotto to their very centers the kettles filled with steam the covers put on and fas fastened f s down at this time and removed to the cooker immediately The box lid must be closed down fastened securely and not opened until the food is done When it does become necessary to look at any food the kettle must be again put on the range and brought again to the boiling point and not left in in the cooker for when the cold coid outside air strikes the food it will gradually become cold and not finish cooking co kin Exact directions regarding time necessary necessary necessary essary for cooking cannot be given Time tables act only as guides some foods require more and where meats are tender vegetables ve young and ard fresh I these all require less time than when whim meat is tough and vegetables old Fruits either sweet or sour yield I under the influence of heat more or Jess ess the third and the dessert in the fourth This latter can be a brick of ice cream I which will keep kep frozen several hours for the same principle on which the cooker is built to retain the heat it will also retain the cold and keep out the warm air The housekeeper must learn to use the fireless cooker just as she must get on familiar terms with a new chine and its attachments or a new range To economize the time is one thing she must learn and this will come by experience By placing the porridge or H Jd of Deer i it t readily so commonsense and care must be exercised Testing tho the Cooker Some cookers are better packed than others and retain the heat better A safe guide is is to bring a kettle of water to a furious boil cover it tightly and place in the cooker If at the end of twelve hours it is still hot you may place faith in the cooker c oker to do its work Small quantities of foods or liquids will not keep hot ten hours In such cases the small amount must be put into a small jar can or pail and while scalding hot set into the larger fireless cooking kettle which must also have in it boiling hot water the body of heat the longer it will remain hot It is essential to keep always in mind that carelessly packed I kettles and pails will result in in failure I Within the past year the oven at attachment attachment has been added to the manufactured manu manufactured manufactured cookers It is sometimes placed at the back and again others have the simple addition of two soapstone grid griddles griddles dies which are placed on one of the compartments made purposely for ba baking baking baking king One hot griddle is placed on the bottom of the hole and after the food kettle is rested on this the other is placed on top Preparing af a Meal Heal eai The purchased cooker consists of a neatly finished box in varying sizes sizes packed with substances to retain the heat and lined with tin Over each com corn compartment compartment is fitted a cushion which aids to concentrate the heat and then a hinged lid clamps down over this se A four cooker may hold a dinner ample for a company dinner and all aU prepared hours beforehand without the slightest danger of its spoiling Soup is cooked in in the first compart compartment compartment compartment ment meat in in the second vegetable vegetables in cereal for breakfast in the cooker at night it will be thoroughly done for breakfast After removing it the meat for the night dinner can be placed over or the stew tew for br luncheon made ready in another compartment It is unexcelled for cooking fruit for jams ad jellies before the sugar sug sugar r is added and also for cooking tomatoes for catsup and chili sauce As there is no evaporation this must be taken into consideration when cooking foods Popcorn placed in the kettles as soon as popped and tightly covered will wilt re remain remain remain main crisp for days Bread dough can be raise in it without fear of chilling It is an lamp to the nurse on duty as she c n serve herself a hot meal at any time of the day or night without leaving the patients room It brings within reach of the moderate salaried sal salaried salaried aried family the ability to serve many of the dried vegetables such as lentils beans peas corn com and dried fruits that have been eliminated in many instances because of the expense attached to their cooking CORNISH COOKERY The majority of eat five meals a day sometimes six and the pasties for which they are famous are neither so rich nor so light as those of American cooks but Cornish people arc are noted for their pink and white com corn complexions complexions and are pictures of health Some of the old Cornish make their pastry of suet instead of lard and I have eaten it made of mashed potatoes rubbed into the flour with lard Beef chicken and kidney pasties pas ties are prime favorites a kidney pasty being a special treat to a Cornishman Those in the old country who cannot afford meat and there are many such people use leeks as a substitute licks as they call them arid and this is called a alicky alicky alicky licky pasty U u w w p 5 c c f I I v vI v S 4 I S I Jk S ff i 5 S S S BONED STUFFED HAM SCORED WITH HOT POKER The recipe for Cornish pasties pas ties generally gener generally generally ally used is as follows Make a pastry not so rich as piecrust Roll out in in pieces to the size of a small of an inch in thickness Have ready one pound of fresh round steak and half a pound oj ot pork steak cut into small cubes half a dozen potatoes one large onion and one small turnip Cut these up fine and mix meat and vegetables together Season well with will salt and pepper and put a cupful on each piece of pastry The meat and vege vegetables vegetables vegetables tables are arc placed on one side of the pastry and the other lapped over it it The Thc Cornish have a deft doft little way of closing it up and crimping the edge that a novice cannot seem to learn Bake in ina a moderate oven one hour and a half These pasties may be filled with apples instead of meat and vegetables and eaten in place of the Yankee pie Here are several more choice Cornish recipes Saffron Saron Cake Make a small sponge as for bread using one and a half yeast cakes When light take two quarts of sifted flour two cupfuls of shortening half butter two and a half cupfuls of o sugar suga a quarter of an ounce of saffron which has been steeped in a cupful of water for half an hour and mix well with the sponge Then add three cupfuls of cur currants currants currants rants two cupfuls of citron cit citron citron ron one tablespoonful table of salt half a grated nutmeg and nd one tablespoonful of lemon extract Let it rise like hike bread i and bake in two loaves I Scald or Devonshire Cream Let milk stand hours houn in winter twelve hours in summer Set it iton iton iton on the stove till almost at the boiling point It must not bubble but should show wrinkles on the surface and look thick The slower it js is done the firmer it will be On the following day skim it by folding over and over in in small rolls then set it on the ice to chill This is also known own as clotted dotted cream Cornish Vegetable Stew stow One pint of green or butter beans cut cutin cutin cutin in small pieces one pint of green peas three small potatoes and two small car carrots carrots carrots rots Cook all together for three quarters of an hour in enough water to cover Add one teaspoonful of butter and salt and pepper to taste Before taking from the stove add half a cup cupful cupful cupful ful of milk or cream in which a tea teaspoonful teaspoonful teaspoonful spoonful of flour |