Show n Engineers Fast Past Run Bun RunAn An engineer CJ on one Me of or the rots en entering entering I here kere Jle in lii speaking last night of ot orfan fast fan S said ld Although my machine IB Is no not slow low once on let a cold get pt six siz hours the start of ot me and my machin macun machinery machinery ery cry is no match for It IL I have for fo years kept a bottle of ot Kemps Balsam constantly in my cab and when a cough r 1 cold gets a start of oc this j standard remedy it is Indeed a cold I day da r Price P rice Sc and SOc for J r sale by Drug company v Suffered 20 Years Cured of Piles A A L Husing Huing Hu Alma Ima W Va writes I for twenty years from itching blind and bleeding piles I tried many JB RY remedies s without relief the ibe first application of at Pyramid P mid Pile Cure Curee gave e blessed relief e and part pan t of a SO 50 cent box x cured me completely tel For o sale alo le leall by byAll byalL All Little book ook Piles Cause Causa C Cand and Cure ure mailed Tree free Drug Drugo ro Co o Marshall MII haU Mich SURPRISING RESULTS A Simple Internal Remedy Makes Remarkable Cues of Catarrh t People who have h ve used sprays rays inhalers salve MI and tind washes for ff catarrh rind and found fouM how bow u elesa and inconvenient tb thy y yare I are will be bt agreeably surprised at re results results suits following the use ue of a pleasant in iii internal remedy reined in tablet form druggists everywhere admit that Stuarts Catarrh I I a i N NI Ivi I II riN Tablets which Ut t sell slI at 30 fit cents cente for full sized treatment nt is the safest most effective and popular of oC all aU catarrh reme remedies remedies dies Nearly all cheap al cough mixtures x and throat lozenges contain o f opiates these u uch cheap ch thee l medicines give H a temporary tempo relief especially with wAth ite little Wo children n fey by destroy destroying f ing nerve e sensation the irritation in throat which watch cause coughing Is III 1 removed not by br removing the th but by deadening deaM g the nerves of or feeling tn the irritation is not felt although It is s still there and will wilt promptly J Stuarts Stuarta Catarrh Tablets is th the best b sl remedy to remove catarrhal secretion CC whether in the nose n throat or stomach because are composed e of wholesome ant like Reel Gum Sum Blo Blued d Root etc when you us u these you know what you 00 ace are putting into your our system and not taking chances with co cocaine cocaine caine opiates or similar poisons found in so many catarrh cures curn and tough medi Dr Ram eU 4 commenting on en atan cures cure says Ican heartily recommend Stuarts Catarrh Tablets because they contain no cocaine nor other dangerous erous drug dru found in so 50 many advertised catarrh cures cur I have known of many eases aes of f long bag standing of f the head bead and ami am throat completely cured by the daily dally use of these tablets for several weeks One On case cue In IU particular which I could not reach with an inhaler or spray and where the catarrh caused daily dall headaches and anda a noticeable loos at f hearing was s entirely cured by this harmless but effective rem rent remedy remedy edy says ys I never tate ta to t prescribe lt Stuarts Catarrh tr Tab Tablets lets Ida for catarrhal headaches and catarrhal deafness because be ause I know them to be j er teeny safe for or adult and nave have seen many remarkable cures cares resulting from their ei daily use e because they h are a advertised d d and sold s in I drug drugstores drugstores stores Is no reason why any good phy physician ph should not use them because we should sUld seize upon the means of cure wherever found Stuarts Catarrh Tablets are especially valuable for catarrhal t colds In children because they a pleasant to the taste may be used freely to break up se so severe se severe sovere vere colds and croup at the very begin beginning fling ning All druggists sell seal the remedy at 30 0 O cents for full sized package A little tittle book on cause and cure of ca catarrh catanh catarrh tanh mailed free by addressing the F A Ai A i Stuart Co Marshall Mich W 50 REWARD For the first caSe of pIles plies of any an kind that cannot be cured by VERUS PILE CURE Hundreds of d hateful hateful Drag Dragging Dragging ging cases caes have bare succumbed to the Mag ira ical effects of VERUS IT T CURES No ifs Us One application relieves s When Wh n the box Is gone cone so EO are the th piles oth Cost 2 but worth It Jre LOCAL LO AND MAIL KAIL AIL ORDER ORD R AGENTS AG S DRUG CO SMITH DRUG DEUG CO CHICAGO I Car 0 EQUIPMENT Chair b ir Car C Free Ticket and r office Secona cona South Masonic Kasonic Block B DRAKE Tray Trav Passenger r Ag Ait fc BI 1 f ef ol the toe lour flour used in I the is k v Hus rs flour Fh AH Alt tha to trouble cornea comes fr hem frem m th the theother I other half H If you dont doat use ue line Mua Yule lers le Flour mour 0 dont use ass the best L LJj Jj r Delinquent Notice Notice THE GOLD GOI D AND COP COPer copPin COPper er Company L I Location cation of pun prin Pin per place Sace of business bu Salt Lake e City It Utah Location of at mines Big Bis Cotton Cottonwood Cottonwood cottonwood wood mining district Salt Lake county count Utah Nettee There are delinquent upon the following described stock on Oft of o ot t No Nt 4 i which was is l on the Uth day dey of December the ev everal v eral etal amounts set let opposite O t the em of the respective shareholders sha as a follow Name No lo o S SJ Sk Dee J 1 J Herol jerol H 2 5 JI 5 09 Ii L B E Windsor 5 IoWa t S tW W L L Price 7 I 1 Iw 3 W L T Price 18 IS f J 1 M 33 MF F Rac e nan 41 K U 1 Iii G M Cline U 41 SO a 3 16 C D Brown BrownJohn own 5 w I ill Ii John Backer 73 I l S 3 Chas Reich R ich 79 9 iS 3 C M N NeubaU PD 5 C M t Ne Neuhausen hwn 19 CO 0 Emil IK 16 se 1 I IAnna JS I Anna P IX ic 4 Ii 00 Anna K Brunten isor jw i 66 I Theo Thee Volz 1 li 5 lg I 1 67 Geo Cowan 16 1800 S SAnd 55 And in accordance with law and an or order ord der d of ot the board of directors director made on the Uth day of or December 1531 1001 as as many man shares share of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will win be sold at public auction at the office of or the company compan room 3 Progress Building Salt Lake City Utah on Saturday the 1st day of February L Of at a 2 p m un to pay the delinquent assessment thereon to to tow with w the cost cast of or adF and expense of a afe e eH H B WINDSOR W Secretary G DE rl I w Current Time Table In Effect TAN JAN I 1 1102 LEAVE LEVE SALT SAL LAKE CITY C Y No Grand Junction Den cor or e end and points east nm Lm Ivo o Provo Pro o Grand G d June Junc tion anti ana all points east pm r io o For Provo Grand Graid June Junc JuneN tion and all points east an pm pro allig N No 6 ta LebI pro provo vp vo va Mt Pleasant Manu Mantl 1 ane points aa x Iso o g For F r Eureka r k p Payson s He Be her oer Prove Prova and points 5 pm No Ito 6 For Ogden and tan west w t am arn amNo No jo 4 For Ogden and a 1 west ILOG pm r No a 1 IFor For Ogden and w west pm No For Park lark City am nm ARRIVE SALT LAJ CITY No b From Provo Grand Junc June tion and the east rum m mNo mNo No 1 From Provo Prove Grand June Junc tion and the east 1285 L pan pm sto No a From Provo Grand June Junc Junction tion and an east t r o 9 From Provo Blog hun barn Eureka IUt ti at and SUld intermediate points point pm Na No t Ogden and an th the west vest 80 am nm amNo m No S From Ogden and the th west pm I JNo No N 4 From Ogden O den and the west welt pm pim Nc Ne N r 7 From Eureka Heber Provo Prove and Intermediate points paints nm No 41 Fr From m Park rk City it pm t Dining Car Oar Service Sleeping Bleeping CRTS Cars to Chicago o Without Change Chan Ti ket OffiCe Wet West Second Postoffice Corner Phone G Time Card CardIn CardI 11 I In Effect Nov 3 1901 ARRIVE From Ogden all points east Butte Portland Port d and San Fran Francisco Francisco FrancIco cisco cIco A LB i From Ogden and intermediate points 92 35 From Prom all aU points east and San Sm Francisco PL From Ogden Cache Valley and Intermediate points 69 PM From Ogden Butte Portland and San Francisco S From Front all points south except Tintic 35 From Nephi Tintic Tintie Mercur and intermediate points 8 60 0 PM From Tooele and Terminus PM DEPART To Ogden Cache Valley and all points east LB Ay To Ogden Butte Portland and San Francisco To Ogden all aU points east and an anSan San Francisco 1245 pi piTo To Ogden O den intermediate points and ana all points east To Butte Portland Intermediate ate points and San PU To Tintic Mercur Nephi and Intermediate points 75 AM 31 To all points south except to and Mercur PM To Terminus and Tooele AM Art Trains between n Milford and Frisco do donot donot donot not run Sundays Dally DaIly fo except c Sunday S da Telephone No EG City ity Ticket Office 2111 Main Street StreetT t tT T M 35 r SCHUMACHER D E BURLEY Act Mgr G P T A AD AD AD D S S SPENCER A A G P T A THE OVERLAND LIMITED II VIA o I Io h I I FOR THE EAST THIS IS THE FINEST TRAIN RUN NING KING and makes malles MANY HOURS QUICKER TIME between n WYOMING and UTAH POINTS and all Principal Eastern Points EQUIPPED Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shop and Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Cars Meals e a la Ia Carte laHre Pintsch h Light h Steam a Heat Heator For or time tables folders Illustrated books pamphlet descriptive of the ter territory territory traversed call at Ticket et Office m Main s S Salt t Lake City Railroad Of the hundreds of railroads in inthe the United States only one is longer th thin than n the Burlington Boute Route It owns nearly miles of ef per perfectly perfectly perfectly equipped railroad It runs through eleven great states It op operates operates crates more fast trains than any other western railroad Porty Forty miles an hour is no all on the Burlington Fifty is not I uncommon And on the I stretch between Omaha an and Chicago I there are no less than six trains which day after day and anti night after 1 night make sixty miles mUon an hour I with regularity I Denver to Omaha Chicago Kan Xan Kansas Kansas sas City St louis and everywhere beyond L Tickets at Offices of Connecting lines Ticket Office om No 79 19 7 West Vest Second South St StR StR R B F P NEStEN Salt Lake City I THE fHE PRICE I 1 1 I If you fOU OU art are a lover of lush high class and literature 2 such as will wm make mak a person Derso erson I batter for having read try I 1 the Juvenile Instructor It tI will give you and each mem V lier het oj oc o Tour family faIntLY a moral mora atmosphere to live In in Send for ample ampIe t Copy 03 Templeton Salt Lake City Ity I ai nai i sank Bank Of The Republic V S Depository Frank Knox nt George A Lowe LOTTO Vice President t V F Adams fd Cashier CAPITAL PAID IS m Banking in all its branches transacted drawn on the principal cities of Europe Interest paid on an time 4 d 9 The State Bank or Utah Cemer Cern Bail ail ai md ad Seth t Temple Streets Street Sat SaH Lake City y JOSEPH F SMITH President WILLIAM B PRESTON PRESTOS Vice President CHARLES S S BURTON Cashier HENRY T A Cashier General Banking Business c Accounts Solicited Special attention to country trade tr de Correspondence ce invited Walker Brothers Bankers SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Established 1859 1659 iasA A General G Banking B Business Transacted Safety Deposit Depolt eI 1 Boxes for fen Rent Kent Wells f fargo arp Cops tos BANK BANI BANKI I UTAH tm Transacts a General Banking Business 7 J 35 z DOOLY H Ha S SL 8 TO TOus us L Ii 8 S BILt MOSES HOSES MOS Jl n Vice Vica t tU U S Depository Deseret National Bank Salt Lake Uke City CAPITAL Safety Deposit Boies Boxe Box for Sect Bent THE Deseret Savings Bank DIRECTORS W W Vf Riter Biter President Moses Thatcher Vice President Elias Bites A Smith Cashier James Sharp John R B Barnes Barnas John C Cutler David Eccles A W Carleon George John R H Winder Wintle Re Reed 4 Smoot B E R B R Eldredge W F James Four per cent interest paid on savings deposits National Bank Capital Paid Nil in in General Banking in All Its Branches Brinches 1 Directors Dr Theodore k Meyer J John J l ll Daly O 0 J 3 Salisbury ur Moylan oI C Fox FoS Thoman l W P Noble Ic George Georg GeorgeM M 35 Dorney John Jobs A A 7 P H Et EtT He dea d deaT T R JONESCO BANKERS SAIP SAI LAKi CITY UTAH I 3 Co BANKERS SALT LAKE CUT CITY t A a General 1 I Notice of Trustees Sale Saie WHEREAS ON THE DAY OF October A D 1889 19 Myron MIron Brewer and Cynthia E Brewer his wife made exe executed executed and delivered to Utah Savings Trust company their promissory note in writing of that date thereby promising to pay to said Utah Savings Trust com corn company company pany on the th day of October the tRe sum of 00 with interest i terest at 10 per cent per annam payable semiannually on the th days of or April and October of each year as per Interest coupons thereto attached and providing that if default were made in the payment of any interest note the principal sum suns and all accrued interest should at once become due doe and aj payable without notice Whereas W On said date said Myron Myren Brewer and aDd Cynthia E Brewer his wife made executed and delivered to E 55 W Genter Center trustee their certain trust deed iee thereby conveying to said trustee tee as se as security se for said indebtedness all of oZ the north half of o the northwest quarter of section K It township 2 S south sonth rang range Z 2 west wes of Salt Jt Lake meridian meri iu together with aH nit allwater water rights rIh thereunto usually usual had bad and j I enjoyed situate in Salt Lake county Utah an ant ani authorizing said trustee u in the payment P ent of said mote cote or ne any interest tp t sell sen said saM premises for the pur purpose purpose purpose I pose of g the th amount due said ad j Indebtedness Ind together t gether with expenses of ot Whereas Default has haJ been made in the payment of interest upon said saki note DOte no D interest having b bien en n paid thereon and the holder thereof has requested the true trus trustee tee tao to aeH said a premises J in the ma mafit in fit said a trust s seed deed eed provided Notion Notice te hereby given that OB on Thurs Thursday day the any of February isae at t 12 2 ck noon at the west front door of the county court house in Salt Lake CItY CHy Utah I wilt will sell said premises premise or such sons part as may be necessary to raise the Ute amount due clue uy upun a said i to sa together gether with the expenses ex enes of making melting saM saI Isale sei sale at public to the highest t bid bidder bidder bidder der for cash cashE cashS E S W GENTEEl CENTER GE ER Trustee Stephens Stephen Smith Attorneys Date of first tint publication Jan Jaa lab IMS II iI Special Stockholders Meeting IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THATa a special meeting of the stockholders of the t Copper Ceper Mining Minims SUM eo peal Imy ee e heW held at the office of the corn com company pany pall No 62 C f Commercial block Salt Lake City Utah Itah on Monday the ad day of I I UK HI at the hour Of W 10 1 I Ia a ra in Said meeting is called and will be beheld i held Soc for t the showing io purposes purpose viz First To vote upon a proposition to assess s the tha capital stock of said company for the purpose of Qt developing the prop HOP property I erty arty of Said aId company and to determine the amount of such assessment I Second To determine the future policy i outline the work to tob tob ot 05 the company and 0 i idO b doR dO dose on o the property during d the li year 1 4 line and to devise ways s and means B for carrying out the tile policy determined upon Third To tr such ether haziness business as may lawfully come before s sash ea meet meeting meeting ing Dated Jan If 14 SAMUEL A KING President ident Pre GRANT C EAGLET BAGLEY Secretary IS THAT THAI the annual meeting of oi the ine Ho ul vt et the Central Pacific tail y company wIl be held on Tuesday April 2 A t tm it 1 m at U n a m in of |