Show J I I k I II I I 1 oJ To ThE ORi X N ALL LL the fairy tales tale of ot all aU the thew world w V rid even in m those of or savage evae I peoples the buried burled treasure plays paYS the greatest part pert Even the th hero goes on a quest for th the princess hi M h achievement te Is not rt ot complete unless It to Is rounded out Ib ib a discovery ery of va rut Yut t wealth wealCh stored caverns cavern U av in iu subterranean tn ii 1 the he prosaIc prorate life Ute of today todar ms of nC buried burled gold and silver Oliver art ari er vcr rent p ent and actuate many a so yr er bu enterprise But Lut except ept for fr that hidden en treasure tn ibi h lit at the bottom of the tile even hidden bidden and ud lent lentis am 11 as or r has been away p is j not much buried wealth wenith tat lit t tho tin lift world now Even the vat vast nit of I PW M and gold that once were held hekl ty by tb great grat fat Indian rajahs and an Hindu King have han beet beer converted Into Juto toUr taw f t securities and aad investment Inv bedient lo to the call ca of that wonderful 1 treasure trea r seeker Finance whose touch u lI I far flir r more potent that ever eYer wee was U Ute the e rn t terrible incantation or ot 0 the most MOlt fairy wand when it tt nils 11 the vaults open with n nT r cf than they did to In the day deys uh uhn hi n the magic master word forced them to t yawn aw with terrible terri thunder Ings and cracklings Finance takes akIN the th dead leaf Ia treasure and makes it live lire It Ern Eim interest to it and th Ute the gM and silver and precious stones atones out nut and spread themselves them elves all 11 t r the world S So it Is like getting back into the Uta twilight of story when there were ere witches ith fJ at eft e ery crossroads and aAd d drag dragon rs g r is on nn very every mountain and aud gnomes g Omes In very rave care to ear ar of a iI vast concealed lp t en aUr Mire that is kept locked up u deed dead deedS S dead dad can be earning g nothing year n M ai sPoor r y yell T Ir lying in Iz greet great t chests U la W i waiting t Ill II a ravening t er rr and r f r more m then monsters f t mythology shall send end os the tilt l J peremptory call an for tor it IL ILAnd I And thaI that hoard board is 18 in the one country tha would Quid appear to be least learnt likely 11 t possess such puth a board hoard Twelve hun bun dot chests hEst lying tilled filled with gold COld tita hi a I vault d dav and night by armed men all aU waiting for tor the call rail of 0 War ar to tn release them might be he con COR I i i IN i 1 lI FOR IT HAJJ iI INTACT I Ii i I k L Lz LA z A jy I c k J I I Y J I c in an ancient Oriental empire but u of l lands in the world r Is fa hidden away ayay in Ger tsa a treat great gr t war war fund the only Odly HI one ona of or its kind on any an great land landon landon on the globe Although men know that there was an old law that provides for such a fund to lock Jock away millions of dollars without l I Jog t them draw interest seems so absurd abs rd and a contrary to all business and government sense nse that men inca treated as a myth the fhe occa atonal tale that so In Germany was bidden n a vast treasure But it has be been officially now new aad rA f top t been made public showing that it Is no myth mth mythIn mythIn In a great vaulted windowless wi dowless room in the massive Julius tower of the fortress of Sandau near Berlin in closed by walls six feet thick lie 36 30 i in gold coils cois ready read for Instant use should war be declared by or I against the German Germ n empire y J L I Iq q n I Tt i 1 I iiii Ei EiT ThE IN kj 1 t Of T r A JO OF r In Ili 6 lO LD DIN IS 11 tN n REAt INE FO FOR WA 0 r r I II f 1 DiL J ti 7 L The great fund is sacred to war and aind nothing else elee Jt tt wa w away thit thirty years ago alO to be hed for that purpose to heMe serve in time of or need and furnish the r ready dy cash so that and navy could be fit fitted fitted fitted ted out without waging ng till tin a war ar loan Joan could be t If It Jt had been leftin circulation it would have bave far more e than tripled it itself itself Itself self in the time since it was TVS w s taken away from the uses of or f man and buried burled I in the tower I The m Js is int of pieces in gold fie room in whiCh it lies is so built in the great tower that no amount amo nt of or study or com corn from the outside would serve sene even to give a hint as to its location Even those who enter the th vault now no and then cannot point to any an particular particular particular lar part of the outer walls wails and say The room lies here h re or here hero if a 2 1 I J JI I A Ii q jj 1 1 lid 10 1 Et I Around round the tower there stands a living diem chain of oC men day and night To assure the th nut fact that the sentinels are bright ht and il td constantly on on the alert they khey the are relieved every eVer two tw hours in inthe Inthe inthe the summer and every hour in the winter Every E morning and night an engin engineer engineer eer ee officer i r examines e amines all an the walls from the deep cellars to the top both out outside outside side and inside Once a year two civilian members of the government appear and make an independent ind pendent examination of or the walls The official count was made by b Herman Her Herman Herman man a member of the reichstag and a a commissioner of oC the I public debt He was received rece ed by of or officers I and soldiers and the curator and another civilian official of or the castle castleAn castleAn I IAn An officer carried six immense iron keys and led the way into the mighty might I fortress one of or the strongest In theW the thed World W rid d Arrived lathe In the the tower toW r the party climbed up a narrow winding staircase until at last a mass massive lye ive door made of riveted plates of or iron barred the th tb way wa Two keys were vere needed to open it It disclosed a pitch I darK darF room through which the officer groped until he found a great door of or iron gratings which as it was thrown open op n screeched complaints that m Ii IiI I I r rr r i i showed how long it had been rusted in its hinges The little party was ushered inside and the grating locked ked again carefully behind them shutting them In from the tM outer world Then the escort e cort lit candles candies and by their light could be discerned another triple locked door of solid iron more formidable even than the first This led to the treasure In a black Wack blackL u i L nf f F o oin It tt ft lay mv la incased in 1 great t chests each containing To count this immense sum sura coin cola by coin was evidently impossible It would have taken weeks of unremitting labor So after a consultation the mem mom member member ber her of the sta first went care carefully carefully fully over all the chests and satisfied himself that the seals were intact Then Ihen he selected several chests che ts at ran random random dom dorn and officials and laborers hauled I Ithem them down and weighed them It was I Ikno of each I known kno that the normal weight chest should be about eighty even pounds Finding that the weights agreed more chests were hauled out oat and opened The gold coins collIS lay Jay inside peeked led ed away a In heavy vy canvas can bags EaCh Bath of theS bags 1 Ia 18 a wa waon on a scale that had been fixed that thatis thatis is Js sealed weights were on the beamand beam beamand beamand and the beam itself was wu made fast so that the scale could not possibly poe be made mate to balance unless each e h bag ba was of the correct weight After the bags had ad been thus weighed some soma of them were picked out again at random and aDd the seals broken and their contents poured out Careful count of all these sample bags having turned out satisfactorily the gold was put back and sealed after which the chests were refilled nailed up UD and sealed in their turn Then the labor laborers laborers laborera ers era carried each one back to the exact place in Ja the pile pUe whence it had been taken Every step of the count had bad been watched closely by officers and club elaborate elaborate orate notes Dotes made of everything that was done After the chests had been I returned to their places and everything pronounced correct the officers locked the tM great doors and the party still stilt I escorted by soldiers bearing candles for no daylight enters the tile Julius J i tower climbed ous oils stairs stains into the subterranean vaults vault Here it was necessary sIT to stoop and finally to crawl in order to make the prescribed examination of the walls wails The great reat war treasure was hidden away from the immense war indemnity November 11 1871 The Toe money was tak taken taken taken en from the immense war indemnity which Germany made France pa pay and and when the was laid away a law was passed pa ed to make it available only for the Ute purpose of oC mobilizing the army and nary naVY immediately in la case of aeed But the conditions of or war have changed so 80 much in thirty years that great greet as 8 the sum is it would not last for tor more than a few days This fact adds to the discontent dl content with which Ger Germany Germany many maDY has received the confirmation of or the old tale that this huge fortune is actually locked up by the govern government government ment afloat Herman himself voices this discontent by saying in his re report report report port portIs Is it wise and useful to allow marks mr to lie idle and deed dead and thus to lose annually from to t iGOl marks narks In III interest alone The present with Its lq it developed finance systems systems tome wilt will consider this question differ dUfer differently from the way in which it was viewed in m the past pest Germany certainly is the only power which owns such a hidden treasure How much would we have today if we had put out this Ws thi 10 marks OB on interest thirty years ago |