Show I THE CITIES Census Statement t Shows Urban Pop Population Popl l I is Growing r Washington Jas Jat Ja M The director of or the census today B gave ve e ou a statement I regarding If the nr h of or urban Lion iton north and south uth witch shows the following facts fae The large h e cities ties taken talen collectively I are art rowing growing nearly twice as rapidly as the rest of the country the percentage cf f the population of northern states In large cities is I nearly nearl three time as great as II the corresponding I per tr cei t In the south the north has hu a n arate rate o increase e no greater that of the south The la lage Re cities in the north are growing much tester faster ter than then those of or the same came size Mae n a the south but this differ difference ace ence is Ia ba by an accordingly rapid growth growt of or small aman towns tons and elt eltin in the south and aDd especially by b the n roe rae e of increase In cf or southern rural population tion tien The statement says these thes th results eem m paradoxical but are correct c Director statement is 18 de do designed signed to explain how the deduction that the th south for the first time is 16 isnow row now growing as rapidly as the north I mo zes with the well known facts I that in the north the proportion of or In iD Inhabitants habitants habl living Uvin in cities Is Iii much larger than it Is I in the south BOuth and aDd that thata u a title cities increase Ine in population muli more rapidly than country dis district districts T Tp snows that in Ute the t north the proportion of DC the population living IVIng in large larr cities Is more than three i times time as all great as it Is in the south populatIon living In loss or of over I noo nAe inhabitants Inc lne sel as I 1 41 per percent pert perI t I cent between hl 1 1890 0 and 1 partly by bythe bythe the t growth of the t clUes cIties of oC that size Mae T in I H and partly by the addition dur due durig dueI l ig hr I the he following ten years of thirty 4 sIx PIX other ether cities to the list The pop nop population I 1 of ni the country counter outside these theae I ti increased inre between 1890 and all N l per cent nl The 1 ise cities of the I d States tates each of n which had over oer I yno noo inhabitants in isea 1 increased in Ini i population P 5 5 pw par cent between 1889 1800 t 1 19 lQ the th rest rent o 0 of the t e United States State L ex f Alaska wad aed the te recent In Int t I Pillar arces accession on increased Gea ed per percent er ernt w cent nt I Of th Ih total tot to population t pf f hi In United State States 1 Cr V I per lr coot cent At live lire in cities of 25 ea eai i i tants or more The proportion of f J I Inhabitants Int in th a of the three sections the I north and aDd west t Into which the tile l I divides ta the Ie United i tel fol lows c Nr rt Total population I ion of f cities of 3 MO M or more Or r M 34 per seat Jt i T Total Urt cities clUes of 2500 25 I I er r not mo t 4 or QI M 1 O per vent cent nt M Total cities dUN of oC or nor rin 1 or 01 tS Z per cent TV n Th of oC increase of oC Ion n living Hying to In j of o she 01 1 from fr 1 to t 1 by sections section fol toi I hwe w lifO ino II tad end over north WS UJ f auth si ii west w in United States Stales II 41 tc M II tn 2800 north ft south lIOu b I rest 1 1711 In 1 t loro north U south t FA n In States Slat i I of oC l lest s than thant North orth rt south west vest westIn t s 5 In the t entire United States 3 31 vl no fl fI uret concludes the statement Ow Cw ta Ih the present growth of pop l atton ti h I a result In the north o of a J ry r JP ra growth of large targe cities a av ar th of ot small clUes cities and a aJ at ary v r t ry J Plight ht growth In the country countr and andt sult t In the south of oC the rate ot of lart cities bek th the Aver for th country n ed b by a an aleer leer n of small d cities and an or f rural twice i population as stat t tt average for rot the United I |