Show I JACK WADE WINS Knocks Out Kid Opie in iii Sixteen i I Bounds Rounds Butte Butt Mont Jan 17 After r the close of sixteen fast rounds Jack Wade ad the light weight champion of Montana knocked out Kid Opie of or Centerville A terrific right swing to the jaw did didt the thc t trick Opie clung to Wade and both fell feU to the t floor Opie epie clinging on I until the referee had to pull pun him oft off Opie Ope got up and staggered stagger d across the j ring looking hooking groggy grogg Wade Vade then sailed into him and showered right and left punches to the face Opie Ople unable to toi i defend himself fell feU in n a heap to the i floor and was counted out The fight was VlaS one of the most cactI exciting ing seen in Montana for some time The bout was held at the Fivemile house near this city cl the original plan of holding the mill in Anaconda having haYing I been changed by b the attitude of the authorities of oI that city |