Show MONSTER DEAL DEALIN DEALIN IN J John Dern Dein Now En Route to New York to CIos Clos It It FOR MORE THAN ED IN CAPTAIN DE DES S HOLDING Developments yesterday plainly indi indicate Indicate cate that the next few days will w l wit witness witness ness the transfer tran ter of Captain J 3 R Da De D Lamars holdings in the Consolidated C I Mercur to a syndicate headed beaded by none other than the vice preel president I dent nt of the th company backed by some I of the heaviest operators opt ral rs in this CIty I and points farther east At noon yesterday Hartwig A Coh si president of the thu company and god Captain De Pe Lamars Lamar s personal representAtive boarded a train for the coast with the Bully HIU mines as 88 his destination I while the evening train for the east i had Vice President Dora Dern as a passenger passenger ger with New York as s his destination I Pressed Pr for a statement state nt on the quos ques question unit tion during the afternoon Mr Dern Dora i paid Faid U Ii i was WM too early earh to say 88 what the i outcome of tie the conference between 1 himself and the th captain would be I though he finally acknowledged that they were n not t far apart on details touching the Mie hi big deal and the fact a t that i t matter hove bare assumed such shape that Mr Cohen C hEn no longer act or talk for the captain leads to the conclusion that the transaction tran arlion now noto only oni requires a meeting nf or the principals Pe gee Lamar was was apportioned of or the shares hares in the company wh n the consolidation oc or occurred occurred and the presumption Is that his holdings now approximate a ap all of and not a breath has been n al ah allowed allowed lowed to escape e those lq IQ q possession Ion of the th Information it is a matter r of ot cup cur rent belief that the purchase price I agreed d upon is Ig somewhere In the then neighborhood n of n 2 a share or on a basis of not less than for the thea captains a stock That suh u h a 1 purchase is being negotiated negotiated fisted by bv Mr Dern shows howS how much he be thinks of the merits of the corn com Certainly no one is better to C judge of their worth than he for lir went into the camp and bought up the old Mercur at a time when the talent laughed in their sleeves at the manner In which the Nebraska farmer had been played for a green greenhorn greenhorn horn He has clung tung to the proposition ever since made an immense fortune and Is 1 now seeking a chance to be duped some more The fate of the deal should be known by the time the dividend is scheduled t fcc be posted Friday next |