Show Lawson Answered Back Here is the latest story about Thomas ThomasW W Lawson LaWlOn which Boston is chuckling over oer ver says ys the Globe Late last cammer described as a young J woman who is fresh was WaIS Oft on the deck cleek of a yacht m in Marblehead harbor whoa Mr r La Lacame J came in on OR the Dreamer Dr The nit young woman knew kne the copper and she took advantage of the tile thea a acquaintance to pick up a r which was beside 1 her train traia it ft on oa the tM Dreamer Drea and shout H tr Lawson hows It is related that without an instants ts hesitation Mr Lawson picked up r a megaphone In hi turn and aad thundered back Hello T X os Blank Blank bows hows beam bruB beama 1 a |