Show BIG PLACER PROPOSITION Salt Lakers Interested in the WhiteRock White WhiteRock Rock Bock See Big Earnings Ahead Under date of Monday last Manager W D ix Higginbotham of or the White Rock Reck Placer company writes from Elko to officers of the company In this city that during the late run of the giants slants at atthe atthe atthe the mines in Borretti Borrett canyon Elko Enio county count a start was vas hardly made till tin work bad had to be suspended on ac account account account count of the weather a fine quartz ledge was uncovered Investigation proved It to be five feet wide and re rem m well defined denned and average as assays assays i says made before the letter was wa mailed disclosed the presence of Df 12 13 in gold I and 9 of an ounce in silver Manager Ma Higginbotham says the rock i will undoubtedly prove a lIne fine cyaniding proposition lUon but as it will take ten years at least to work the high grade I gravel deposits embraced in the Hie corn com I sixteen claims the ledges dis discovered discovered covered can take care of at I least for the present William F Colton treasurer of the Rio Grande Western Vestern is the president o othe of I the WhiteRock White v I te Rock company compan and not a 3 lit littie little tle tie of or the stock is owned in this city cl cIt fl It was wail not nor until late in the fall tha th t I the company got its ditches c cand and the hydraulic machinery machiner in Ip 1 but hut sixty days daya hence when thew the season S opens a record of production is promised premised that will make disciples of Klondike turn tum green with envy Recently a St Louis syndicate pur purchased purchased purchased chased outright shares of the stock and obtained an op turn Uon tf n of all the remaining treasury shares and the little cleanup that produced about from a patch natch of grovel gravel eighteen by yards 3 ards in extent so enthused the purchasers that the they have declared their option will be exercised without doubt do bt The Tn money derived from this sale is isto Isto isto to be applied aP Ue to the introduction of ad additional additional machinery chinery building new flumes fiumes and otherwise providing for operations on 01 an extensive scale and the interested Salt S Lakers Lak s are gliding about with light lightb hearts and lighter steps In con consequence consequence sequence |