Show DENVER MAN CON CONVINCED VINCED Says Say He lie Did Not R Realize Ac Activity r Until lie De Came hero Here ler I r have hare heard a great gret deal del of Salt Sal Lake and man many persons have havo told mo me me that It WitS was the liveliest city In t west said Thorndike De Land sectary sec tar tary of ot the Denver Denvor Chamber of or Cor- Cor marco who was M In Salt Sal Lake Lako ye yester tr d day But I never nevel real really what people have hare told mo ale and I a not realize tho the activity tol that lint Is Js In n this tiiS city until I got off oft the train today todaY- Mr Do Land is en route to Deliver Denver from San Francisco whore he ho hotho tho the Panama Pacific exposition lie Jo said he ho had not heard of ot the mO cmel movement J to keep the fairs open onen another year until un un- ill til his arrival In Salt Lake It I Is 19 a good tl thing ho he said ol and the tho of oC Denver an and Colorado will wil back up UP Salt Lako Ialo and do all In iii their power ver to to bring brim this about The people at the head of the concessions at the fair falt aro on only I beginning to realize on their investments in investments in- in Ind- Ind vestments and I am sure they tho would welcome the continuing of the eo- eo eXP for another anoter year |