Show 85 DEATHS IN MONH MONTH Of JULY 1 I Buletin Bulletin of Health Department Department- Shows That of This Number 1 18 8 Were Nonresidents t. t RATE ONLY PER 1000 t f Births Reported in Month t of Which Were Girls t Many Inspections Made Only 8 85 deaths In Salt Sai Lake from all all- causes cause w were ware re reported to th the city board bord bOrd nl of ot health during the tho month of JUl July according ac ac- cording to tho the monthly bulletin of or vital vial statistics issued ye yesterday erda of this number 18 were nonresident Or of or the city Th Tire The average death deah rate per tr 1000 during the month counting all 1 deaths which occurred In Salt BaIt Was wao wIllIe while the tho death deah rate rte for ac residents for tor tho the month W wa wag but 36 per 1000 Diseases of ot the circulatory system caused the tho greatest greater number or t deatti of any one class clans there being 15 IB dea registered under this classification deh General dIR diseases at which Include typhoid ty ty- fever whooping cough scarlet fever rever and ant other other conta contagious lous dIee caused the death of or 14 1 person an ana tit th Ui same came tame number of at deaths were du due du to to diseases of ot th the digestive e system teen deaths deaths were due to external external- causes which Included three by firearms and two automobile acci ai- dents and arid Injuries and d ll ii deaths OI were caused from tram diseases of the urinary 1 system Diseases of or the ny ne nerr 1 ouR system and of organs of or special sense resulted In the heath death of six per persons sons and Ind a 1 like number died from p dl die 1 eases of the tho respiratory f V Births reported to the tle department nt during the month numbered or of this number 18 were males of or white whit Wi parentage The Tho sanitary division of or the health department nt under the supervisIon of or James amet E Flynn chief Inspector inspections macli of unsanitary or re reported re- re ported unsanitary premises S. S S C C. ET Ev C fumigator reported 36 26 houses homes hoUt fumigated Contagious diseases reported for tor the they month totaled of which g 8 80 were te reported from homes home in the tho First municipal mu mu- mu ward 24 2 from the Second w ward r i 6 C from the Third ward ward 21 from the Fourth ward ard and 6 from the Fifth Fifth- ward Quarantine physicians noted 10 persons In July Juh and 16 1 ne new new- neW cases of ot typhoid fever were brough brought to tho the attention of the tho department la in July Juh I The several milk mik stations conducted b by tho the health helth department received 05 35 quarts of milk mik In July Juh of which 31 quarts were ere sold and quarts given to persons unable to purchase it It Seventeen Sev Sev- ent enteen en Little Mothers meetings were were held under the direction of ot the health healt department nurses nurse at which there was wu an attendance o of 9 girls Tho nurses nure distributed pieces of ot Instructive literature lt The rho department had 94 9 cR cass s of at tu tin tu- tu f under s perl supervision lon at th the co close e of ot the month of or which 4 were new cases Dairy Plant Scored The report of tho the milk mik and dairy di division division di- di vision und under r the tho direction of or Dr R. R W. W Ashley shows that dairies R were wt scored in in July 1 farm arm dairies were wen Inspected 41 H city milk mik plants Inspected and milk mik cans were Inspected of ot which number 5 were wre condemned Dr Hardie le Lynch bacteriologist completed completed com com- 18 IS typhoid vaccinations In Inn July and ma made e 16 examinations of ot cultures cultures' for tor bacius bacillus Of or 16 WIdM r tests for tor typhoid fever made b by th the 1 bacteriologist 3 were positive T T. T L Irvine sealer ealer of or weights arid and measures tested and scaled sealed sets of ot scales Ho He le condemned 99 boxes and nd crates dur during during In ing the month and tested gal gallons Gal j jIn loris Ions of ot kerosene T I. I r kerosene r. r 1 I mt I n r of the ll division sr of t meat nt and d t food in- in t I made a report showing that 1293 ln post mortem In Inspections were were- r made of ot cattle catle at slaughter house houses of or sheep of ot swine and 48 at ot calves of which 1 l sheep and 1 hog hoff were condemned 10 pounds of ot sausa sausage sau- sau t sau sa sage e and 50 pounds of ot corn beef bee were condemned The following amount for of meat food tood products product were passed food by the inspectors Ham pounds pounds- bacon pounds bard lard pounds sausage pounds corned beef beet pounds J two Sixty births were reported to the city board of health for tor the weel weeks closing August 20 Of or this number 3 3 were boys bos There Thero Thelo were tere 17 deaths during during dur dur- males A total ing tho week 11 1 being of ot 14 1 cases of ot contagious and Infectious infectiouS' J fol follows foK diseases disease were reported divided as a lows Smallpox 1 I. I diphtheria 1 1 ty typhoid ty- ty fever fe 3 3 scarlet fever rever 2 2 measles 1 t. whooping cough 4 and 2 2 2 Houses In quarantine at tho the close coso O 0 Othe of the week wore were Smallpox 3 3 diphtheria 3 3 typhoid fever 8 scarlet fever 3 measles 1 1 I. whooping cough 25 and chickenpox 2 The weekly report of ot the milk mik sta tons conducted b by the bo board rd of heAl helt showed conduced quarts of ot milk receive during the week Twenty children re received ed medical advice at the station of ot which 9 were tero ne new cases Fy minor dressings were applied and ana mU mis miscellaneous calls at the station staton num b bored 51 51 Home cals nursing calls for tor pr vate rec physicians totaled 12 1 ca cases caes ea fo to fo- fo children ren adults 3 3 of or which 11 1 ca ct t were found bv by b the nurses There wa waa VU VUa wl a 0 total of ot 4 42 home homo nursing calls cals made madeli h bv li tho the corps of ot nursing and nd 5 ml mil milb modification calls made Instructor and ml miscellaneous cAls calls numbered 31 3 cals arid Ind nd 45 pamphlets were distribute dIstributed The rhe children on the tho playgrounds at Pioneer park pan and Neighborhood houi J nr the time week cek |