Show I I TEAMSTER HARD 1 There was a brigadier general in th th civil chU war who was so ISO earnest ia in his hj hii religious efforts that In a short time he ho had converted every Cry man in the thi brigade brigado except ono one hardened teamster Going to his commander on one day this man said Bald solemnly General I I. I am lonesome Every Ever n man n In the camp has h has been converted except me I suppOSe Its It's the right thing but butI I dont don't see I can manage mannge It Why my good fellow laid said the general I r see seo 11 no difficulty In the way of ot It It If Ir you will Just surrender your own will wilt and ask uk for guidance just It It general said th the teamster It If I 1 am converted who In blazes is goin to drive them mules V Philadelphia Public |