Show SHERIFFS SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND for Salt Lake L-ko count county State of ot Utah William Sal Emms Exams plaintiff against Henr Henry Henry Hen Hen- r ry Olson and Olson defend defend- ants To be bo sold at sheriffs sheriff's salo saho at nt the west front door of ot the tho count county courthouse courthouse court court- house In tho the city and count county of Salt Lake State of Utah Utah on tho the dayot day of ot August A. A D 1916 ih at 12 1 o'clock noon of said day all 1 the right title claim and Interest o of said aid defendants defendant of In and to the tho following described describe real estate to wit All of at Lot twenty 20 0 in Block Bock two Al 2 Jordan Place addition additon to Salt Sal Lake City together with all al and singular the tenements tenement hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining situate lying and being in tho County o of ol Salt Lake State of Utah Sal Purchase price payable in lawful mono mone money of the United States States Dated o at Salt Sal Lake City Utah this da day of oC JUl July A. A D. D 1916 1915 JOH JOHN S S. S CORLESS Sheriff Sherif of ot f Salt Sal Lake count county State of ot Utah Utah B By C. C L L. Deputy Deput Sheriff Sherif N. N J. J C A Attorney tore for Plain Plain- I tilt Date of ot first publication August 1 A. A D. D 1915 1916 |