Show BIG DEMAND IS REPORTED Utah Motor Car Co linn lies Packard Packards on Here lIe ny Both kinds of cars handled b by the Utah Motor Car company at 45 S. S State street tho the Packard and the tho Scripps Scripps- Booth machines are in big demand ac accor according according ac- ac cor cording cording- to the local agency Business is quite good soad according to the agency and there ther are five Scripps Scripps- Booth cars on the floor for sale The Packard car Is also in ln Dig Dig- demand and anda a n shipment of or these cars Is expected to tobo tobo bo bl on en the way soon from the tho factory facton which Is rushed with orders I Prospects for lor a big big- fall business are quite bright ht according to I- I L. L J. J Gilmer th the manager of the Utah Motor Car company and preparations are arc being mado made to handle the tho business satisfactorily satisfactorily to all patrons of oC both Packard and Booth Scripps cars |