Show I ENTERTAINED AT LUNCHEON Mr Mrs ru S. S J. J Babcock of Philadelphia n Is I. Guc t of Local Women omen 1 Mrs S. S J J. J Bab Babcock ock of ot Philadelphia mother of ot Prof Maud aud May Babcock of ot the University of ot Utah was tho the complimented com coin gue guest t at a luncheon yesterday yesterday yesterday yester yester- day at noon in the the- Hotel Utah given b by Mrs Charles J. J Ross and Mrs SU Susa j Y Gates This Is III Mrs Babcock's first visit isit to the west she in company with her son Dr Drane Wayne ane J. J Babcock being baing on her return from n. n trip to the tha Pa- Pa Pacific coas coast t. t Complimentary talks were given by Mrs Emmeline B. B Wells and by Mrs Gates and to these Mrs Babcock re responded responded re- re Present were Mrs rs Wells Mr Mrs Juliana JuHans I. I L. L Smith Smith Mrs rs Joseph F F. F Smith Jr Mrs Irs Levi r-d r Edgar ar Young Mrs Gates Otes Mrs Ir Ross ROSF Mrs Jacob Bolln Miss MIS- Segrid Bolln Bolin Mrs Irs Babcock Mrs Laura B B. B Vrooman Mrs 1 1 Mary E. E HerrIck Mrs David ld A. A Smith th Mrs Laura B B. Nicholson Nichol son Mrs Ann 0 Spencer Mills Mrs rs t A A. h. h B. B 3 Mrs Maggie Un gle S. S Bassett Mr Ire Dorothy Doroth Gunn and Mrs Edna I L. L f e Smith 0 |