Show CROPS REPORTED GENERALLY GOOD A. A W. W Smith Declares Farmers of Idaho and Utah Are Making Progress A A. W W. Smith president of ot tho the Intermountain Intermountain Inter- Inter mountain In Investment estment company h has Just returned from a trip through northern Utah ami anil southern Idaho The company is dealing extensively extensive in farms end and nd ranches throughout both states test and nd particularly In the territory Just b by Mr MiS Smith The Tho entire trip W was vas S made ml by b automobile and a a. distance of f more than miles was covered It Jt was vas made mado primarily for the purpose of losing closing an important ranch deal In which Mr Ir Smith was successful and he took ook anta ad advantage e cf t the opportunity to round up many other properties which his ils firm Is handling It has always been cen his custom In conducting a real estate state and land business to gain a thorough thorough thor- thor ough ugh knowledge of ot th the country In which ho he o operates as well as the individual properties represented Mr Smith covered led Bear River valley Curlew Curlew- valley valle Raft River vall valley anda and anda ana anano a no portion of ot the Snake River valle valley as aswell aswell aswell well as Bear Lake valley and C Cache he alloy all 00 His company has hns r recently In Inaugurated Inaugurated inaugurated In- In a a- campaign to tako take settlers into nto Cache Valley where It has hns land landor l nd for or sale al ranging in price from 60 per acre upward Mr r. r Smith expressed ed great surprise at athe atthe atthe the he rapid and substantial growth of ot the he town of or Burle Burley and Its surrounding country since Ince he was wOoS last there He was so great greatly Impressed with the prosperity of this growing fast section that hat he opened up channels for a n closer alliance with the land opportunities to tobe tobe tobe be found there Mr Smith was aS accompanied panted as far as Burley Durley l 1 y C. C L. L Olson president of or the First National Bank of ot Burley Jurley K D. D Hardy cashier of ot Home Trust Savings company and R. R C. C Naylor treasurer of ot Salt Lake county who vho owns a a. big dr dry farm aria near Strevell While In Burley they were all royally ent entertained by Curtis Warren cashier of or the First National bank and otherwise other other- wl wise o prominent In Burleys Burley's business af- af fairs Tho The ono one most noticeable feature In n Burleys Burley's farming section is that ever every farmer has hos hog pastures where Poland Chinas and Duroc Jerseys Jerse's aro are growing rowing fat tat and big bigon bigon bigon on alfalfa The farmers are also getting getting get get- ting Ung a a. good start with dalr dairy cows Mr Smith came camo back with nothing but for Utah roads In Utah tho the roads traveled were found to be In good condition with the single exception of ot the Overland trail between Tremonton and Strevell which Is abominable However How How- over ever tho tile trip was well worth the hardships hardships hardships hard hard- ships occasioned by bad roads Good farm land Jand does docs not usually make mako good roads Bumper crops were in evidence In n all directions in spite of ot the long drou drouth th recently experienced |