Show Two U. U S. S A. A Officers I Accused of Drinking Toast to German Arms Charges to to Be e Filed Fied Against Them at at Washington by Oregon Senator Ore Ore Aug 21 1 Charges filed Charges wore today by George Georgo S S. S Shepherd an attorney HOrne Portland nd with Senator Geor George c cE of or wih Chamberlain chairman of or the tho E B. B Chamberlin affairs committee military senate senat al Capt Leonard T T. Waldron agaInst In n command command of ot of the N third Ninety net artillery stationed at It Fort coast Stevens Steven artler Ore and Harold L. L I. I enl Gardiner of or the same arne company company as S the result of ot an incident al alleged aliened ged to have occurred in a 1 restaurant at Astoria la last t night the two officers were said to have Joined to the German in several fc cral toasts arms According to the char charges charges several Astoria citizens were ere with the time two Deutschland toast officers The rhe hiber Alles Albes Ales was alleged to o ha been drunk several times Shepherds Shepherd's Shepherds Shepherd's Shep Shep- herds herd's charges were signed also aloo b by several other persons persons severn Both officers denied today that drunk an any such toast was Senator Chamberlain said he would forward the ch charges at t once to the war department |