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Show Ta TrrsTory Request Privilege to Appear Before Senate Committee Washington, June 3. Senator Will-lam Will-lam Lorlmer today requested that he be permitted to appear before the new investigation committee to testify tes-tify in his own behalf. The request was telegraphed to tho Senate commit! com-mit! ee en privileges and elections by Mr. Lorlmer, who is in Chicago. Tho'cbmmlttec, It was said, would be glad to hear him. Mr. .Lorimer's telegram follows: "At tho former Investigation nothing noth-ing was charged against me personally.' person-ally.' There was nothing for me to deny as a witness. It is my earnest desire to be permitted to testify before be-fore your committee so that I can refute any charges that may be made or any suspicions that any one may have as to the validity of rav election." elec-tion." The telegram ljad th effect of quieting persistent rumors that tho Illinois senator would resign. Senator Sena-tor Dillingham, chairman of the committee com-mittee said that undoubtedly Mr. Lorlmer Lorl-mer would 'be given the fullest opportunity oppor-tunity to testify. Tho telegrams reached the committee headquarters Immediately after the adjournment of a meeting at which tho Lorlmer inquiry in-quiry had been under consideration. No action was taken today 'but another an-other meeting was ordered for Monday Mon-day when the question will be taken up again, The entire discussion today to-day centered about a motion by Senator Sen-ator Kenyon that tho committee- proceeded pro-ceeded as a whole with the work. Thoro were reminders of the tacit agreement for the selection of a special spe-cial committee to do the work and indications pointed to the failure of the Kenyon motion. The members of the committee generally gen-erally expressed themselves as desirous de-sirous of having the Investigation con-ducted con-ducted in Washington to as great an extent as possible. During the meeting, Senator Dillingham Dill-ingham expressed a desire to bo relieved re-lieved from service on tho proposed sub committee and It is probable that Senator Sutherland will be given the place. |