Show Park Personals Mr and Mrs Dick Sawyer were dinner guests at the home of Mrs Sarah Sawyer in Salt Lake City on the glad Thanksgiving Day Bob Sawyer is In the US U.S. Armed Forces at Fort Hood Tex Tax as Miss Mary Shields our well known townswoman for these many years was a Park City visitor for a few hours Saturday on business matters She was accompanied ac ac- accompanied companied by her brother Jim Shields Miss Shields is recuperating ing from a serious eye operation and end Is making her home In Salt I Lake City with her brother Dan B. B Shields and wife during this period Her many Park City I I friends wish her every good luck I I Mr and Mrs W W. D. D Wortley of af Salt Lake City and George Wortley vere were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Ray flay Wortley at their home Monday Mrs Martin Carlson w was was s a week end visitor at th the home of Mr and Mrs E. E J. J Tree in Boun Bountiful Boun- Boun Mrs Tree is feeling well after a recent operation but Mr Tree was suffering from a severe cold Mr and Mrs Curtis Wright of Puyallup Washington were visitors tors tore at the Don son Peterson home Thursday last Dr Wm J. J Bardsley our well known member of the community who has been seriously III for forthe forthe forthe the past year Is having serious heart complications and is bedfast bedfast bed bed- fast at his home in Park City His many friends are wishing him hima a speedy return to his former good health |