Show Social Security Demands Report People under age 72 receiving social security benefits will not be bl eligible for all ait their checks In a year if they have ha earnings of more than 1200 according t to Harry E. E Johnson social security district manager in Ogden These are beneficiaries beneficial lea who are either working for wages of more than 1100 a month or are rendering substantial services in self self employment They should immediately immediately im mediately report this to the social security office in Ogden In this way way benefits can be withheld while a person is working and will avoid the ne necessity of refunding refunding refunding re re- funding benefits or having them themi i withheld later when a person Is IsI not working Mr lr Johnson noted I If It earnings did amount to more than 1200 In the year It will lit be necessary necessary to file an annual report re re- port of these earnings by April I 15 of the following year Failure to do so may result In a loss of additional benefits The Information information tion furnished on this annual report report report re re- port will be used by the Social Administration to make all necessary adjustments in the number of benefit checks properly properly properly pro pro- perly due Mr r Johnson will Ill visit Park City on Wednesday Dec 3 and will be at the Memorial Building at 3 p pm p.m. m. m |