Show Kiwanis Heads Attend School Mr Denny Martin president president- elect of the Park City Kiwanis I Club and Franklin treasurer secretary-treasurer-elect and Art ArC Gray Cray vice president-elect president were in attendance at the Utah Idaho Dietrict Die Dis training conference held at aC Pocatello Idaho Idabo Saturday and Sunday Nov 22 and 23 The training conference for incoming in coming officers was conducted by Dr Blair Ellsworth Governor of ot Utah-Idaho Utah division and was most successful being well presented and informative and of r J ere great at value to the Incoming officers who will l be installed Jan 7 by Lt Governor Clifford Installing officer All 58 53 clubs of the Utah-Idaho Utah District were represented which is a very fine record and bids bide bidewell well for a splendid years work in Kiwanis Club activities Officers Elected for 1959 The following officers will govern govern gov gov- ern era activities for tor 1959 President Denny Martin vice president Art Gray Directors Frank Directors Frank Stone Carl Carll Winters Reed Clawson George Cutler Gutler Arthur Durante and G. G W. W DeLaMare Secretary Treasurer Richard IF r. r Bircumshaw Installation night for these officers officers of of- will be held Jan U 14 14 1959 |