Show Pioneer Lawyer Dinner Speaker Speaking before the Salt Lake County Bar Association in convention conven tion in Salt Lake City recently Dan B. B Shields one of the oldest legal practitioners in Utah ad ad- I sed younger colleagues to Keep your our law office and it will keep I I you I 1 Mr Shields started the practice of law 55 years ago at Park City within a week after arter being graduated ed from law school Dan Shields was a resident of Park City his home town for many years before moving into Salt Lake City to continue his practice of law A son of the late Mr fr and Mrs John Jhn Shields he was one of ot Park City's best known citizens active In civic and political affairs I He married Miss Watson Watson Wat Wat- son an Instructor In the Park City schools in Park City and andt I Ithe t I the Shields Shield's made their home in our community for many years years years' I 1 before taking up residence In Salt Lake City I ISalt |