Show Officers of OES Installed Here I x Mountain Chapter No 2 Order Eastern Star held their annual installation last Wednesday evening evening eve eve- evening ning at the Masonic Te Temple Eleanor Heltzman Heitzman past grand matron assisted by past grand marshal Eleanor Jane Carlston and grand organist Lucille Smith installed the officers in a very beautiful and impressive man man- ner nero The following officers were Installed Worthy Matron Mildred Nel Nel- Nel- Nel son Worthy Patron Robert Associate Matron Lillian To To- i reen feen Associate Patron Jack Ruddy Secretary Phyllis Prudence Treasurer Male N. N Conductress Ethyle B. B Hansen Associate Conductress Norma Chaplain Agnes Gillett Gl Marshal Edna S. S Wentworth Organist Frances Henderson Adah Inez Ruddy Ruth Blanche Gustafson Esther Lillian Ll Birkbeck Martha Virginia Carter Electa Isabelle Isabella Buck Warder Nora Simpson on Sentinel Robert Birkbeck At the close of the installation Jerry Carlston Carleton son of Eleanor Carleton Carlston our past grand marshal played two beautiful piano solos which were thoroughly roughly enjoyed Past Worthy p Patron tron Ben Den Gustafson Gus in a few tew well chosen words presented Past Past Worthy Matron Blanche Gustafson Gustafson with a beautiful ful Past Matrons Matron's Jewel Blanche her appreciation and thanks to the of officers l ers and members mem members mom mem support had bers bars for the support they given her the past year Refreshments were served to 40 persons w |