Show McKissick Named to Region All-Region Football Team Two To on State All-State Mike McKissick Park City CUy High School football star was wu placed on the Region All Six team by the theDe De eret News and Telegram this I week Mike was the whole team teem for tor or the Miners this year and the I players on every team teem he be met declared de de- de- de d was th b et nd I It t toughest lineman they had faced Darwin half halt pint center on the South Summit High School football team was I honored Saturday by his selection to the Deseret News and Telegrams Telegram's Telegrams Telegram's Telegrams Telegram's Tele Tele- II grams gram's State All Class B D football team Far hr the smallest man on the team at HO pounds Wools ten was the scrappiest player yer and nd one of the smartest He lie played middle line backer on defense defense de do- Tense and his diagnosis of plays was uncanny His tackling was vicious and sure and he was waa at the thA bottom of every pile pile up up in the the line Marlin Brooks Drooks North Summit end a fine pass receiver and ver very strong on defense against sweeps was named to the second Class B D team Another Region Six man to tomake tomake tomake make the News team was Kent Phillips Morgans Morgan's star halfback who was waa placed at full For three years the Trojan workhorse Phillips Phillips Phil Phil- lips Ups was outstanding on both offense ottense of ot tense and defense The Deseret News said of Phillips All Phillips did for the Morgan eleven was score 76 points out out- gain three opponents in league pia play with yards rushing In in- I four jaunts over 60 50 yard ards in O one oae e game all aU the punting extra ex extra tra points and passing for three touchdowns The area was wail very well represented e In the h h Region All IJ n team too The News listed the following follow ing on Six All Allen Dates of North Summit and Tony Hassell of Morgan at tackles Mike McKissick of Park City at guard I Center Brooks Drooks lat at end and Phillips at half The second Region All-Region team listed three North Summit players players play play- ers Crittenden at end Chappell at center and at half hall two Morgan athletes Trussell at tackle and Ray nay D. D Porter at guard and South Summits Summit's big Pat Fitzgerald was at halfback |