Show I South Summit I Mrs Mattie F Fraughton r a ugh ton of American Fork spent Sunday visIting vis- vis with Frank and Chloe Potts 1 I Mrs Lucy Peterson left for Salt Lake last week to spend the winter with h her r daughter Mrs Wanda Courtwright Mr and Mrs Vern Huff have haye moved back to Woodland after staying all summer at their ranch in Ouray Monta Lou Frazier Frailer is home from the hosp hospital tat with her little son eon at the home of her parents the Lamont Lament Walkers of Woodland 1 Arizona Holiday I Mr and Mrs Ray Lefler and children Michael Marsha Phillip and Miles of Woodland will wll spend spendIn I Thanksgiving in Mesa Arizona at atthe atthe atthe the home of Mr and Mrs Walt Daniels I Guests for Thanksgiving at the theIr I I. I W. W Fitzgeralds will be he Hal and andRe andRea andRea Re Rea Re a Fitzgerald and children Donnie Nancy and Machine Robert Robert Rob Rob- ert and LaWanna Thanksgiving guests at the Herbert erbert Bushels Bushel's will be Frank and Chloe Potts John and Deanne Lambert and their children children chil dren ren Kathy and Vickie and Laverl Layell La La- verl yell and Aleen Bushell Dushell Vacation Trip j l I Guy and Susie Miles have really really re re- re-I re I ally planned a wonderful two I weeks week's vacation They left Saturday Saturday Satur day Nov 22 ac accompanied by their daughter Delva Belva Jenkins and her herI I daughter Susan of Coalville They went rent ent to Puente California where they will wll visit Virginia and George Keys Keya and their family They will I also be seeing their son eon Jack at Covina California Next they will wl travel on to Mesa Arizona to the Walt Daniels to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner there where are also expected Guy Ouy and Susie Miles of Kamas Virginia and George Keys and children and Maxine and Roy Lefler and children chil chU dren dlen of Woodland What a pleasant pleasant pleasant plea plea- sant reunion this family will havee have We e send a hearty hello to the Walter Daniels from all those in Kamas Crae Atkinson who is a senior at the Utah State University will wUI Join his slater sister and parents Dec 20 for tor the holidays at the close oloe of ot the fall tall quarter lie He will return in time to register for tor the winter quarter at the Logan school where he be is le an Education and Social Science major |