Show l Drive for Scout i Funds Nets The Park City Neighborhood Association of Girl Scouts and the Ontario District of Boy Doy Scouts would like to express their grateful grateful grate grate- ful thanks for tor the most enthusiastic response given by the people people peo peo- pIe of Park City Snyderville e and Keetley to the current Girl and Boy Doy Scout fund drive This drive netted the i-he sum ot of 1432 to be divided equally between be be- tween the two organizations The job of ot the raising fund I committee w was s made much easier by the willing and gracious ef efforts efforts ef- ef I I forts torts of the many people who acted acted act act- ed as aa collectors for the drive It I would would be impractical to thank each of ot these individuals personally personally person person- personally ally so we will take this means to express our appreciation Your Girl and Boy Doy Scout t. t n The Girl Girt Scouts of Park Cit City hope to extend Christmas cheer chee both near and far this year Plans have been made for the thi a I annual caroling party This WI willbe will I be ba held Monday Dec 15 Because Because Be De cause of the cold weather and an j t the age of the young Drown Brownie 0 3 Scouts a complete coverage o of f r the town will be impossible You Yoi Youcan Youcan I can show your appreciation ti to I tIre tIle carolers by hy turning your you r I porch lights on during that eve eve- i ning Several troops will give toys ti to I the different state agencies fo for r I redistribution on to needy eedy children ren L LAll All Brownies Brownies' and Girl S Scouts out B Bare I are saving the pennies usually I spent on on candy with the Intention s L of buying Christmas cheer for tb the 0 I I orphans of the world through th the e I UNICEF If you wish to liel help p 1 to too Just give a few few cents to 10 a I Girl Spout Scout out in your neighborhood I. I Yvonne Clawson Neighbor Neighborhood r hood Chairman Chairman- I |