Show NORTH OGDEN NOTE AN OLD RESIDENT IS CALLED TO JOIN THE GREAT MAJORITY taxpayers are called to consider the possibility of building additional school rooms north ogden weber county utah april 8 1902 tidings of tho death sunday morning of franklin G clifford of this place in liia astl year after months of lingering suffering will be received by lilg friends with feel inga mingled with and joy sad nes because earth in deprived of a noble and faithful but with joy be caico caimo lie luw honorably filled up alio by tho almighty in bending children upon the earth and ha been relieved of hi long of intense suffering he was bom in ahm lian county kentucky november 3 1827 of john clifford 1 price february 10 1840 ho moved with hi parents tot mad ion i on county linol assisting hia father on the farm feb H 1845 ho was baptized and confirmed by james oliva and arab 11 1815 blurted for nauvoo battalion and reported six church west arriving at council bluffs july where his two brothers john and isaac were called into the nauvoo battalion and departed six days later here may 10 1849 he was married to jerusha campbell and juno 1850 left council bluffs for salt lake valley in a company of 48 wagons and six days after crossing alio river hid wife fell a victim to the cholera scourge lie however reached salt lake city october ath 1850 lie was married to bosetta campbell at bountiful october 10 1850 reaching ogden and wintering in barrs farrs fort and arrived jn north ogdan the next spring as one 0 the first settlers solomon campbell now being the only surviving member of that little company august 0 1851 his wife gave birth to the first white child franklin newton born in tha new settlement october 30 1852 ho was ordained a seventy by joseph young march 15 1857 lie was called into the standing army for protection against indians afi the move south he went as far as santaquin San but returned july 4 1838 april 24 1876 he was married to leora talmage and april 4 1899 he was ordained a high briest by loren farr he died lived a faithful lat ter day saint and leaves a wife many children and a large circle of friends who will look back with pride upon the exemplary life ho has led ills funeral will be held in the north ogden meetinghouse tomorrow ab 1 p m A meeting of the taxpayers is called to convene in the school house tomor row afternoon to consider the propriety of levying a tax for the erection of additional dit ional school facilities as the present accommodations arc taxed to their utmost capacity anil tho teachers over burdened labor edmund K berrett has been called to leave aalf lake city dinst for a mission to england the homo dramatic company will present foiled in jones hall for his benefit next saturday evening and a grand farewell ball will bo tendered him next monday in tho ogdan meetinghouse alios formosi resident of this place but at present of st anthon ida lio has been visiting friends here on his return from conference whither ho hia BOH george en route to a mission to tho northwestern states mesdames dames A berrett and tones and A G berrett haio been mhd funeral of Lottie daughter of chas E berrett in 1 alie snake river valley idaho f A meeting of the bouncil of the quorum of seventy is called to convene at the residence of J W gibson next sunday evening to consider matters or importance pertaining to missionary i worl the class work of tho quorum ha been discontinued for the season |