Show ae tailoring sale continues WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY mr rolfe the tailoring expert from chicago will remain here with his immense and attractive display of woolens for suits and trousers to order two days longer wednesday and thursday this special opportunity for you to obtain the exclusive and most desirable in tailoring is presented here but once each season it will be both profitable and interesting to you to investigate U 1 V la 13 broom hotel corner STANDARD TELEPHONE business office no CO one editorial dooin no ring no bt for rock springs Kemi castle gate and diamond coal M L jones coal and ice co gite us a arial order and we will make a permanent customer of you phone U P coal yard coal kammerer diamond rock springs castle aate patter co k dont forget to go and hear prof he will sing in the swedish church friday april 4 at ap in tickets 50 cents NEW EASTER HATS A grand display of high clam millinery for spring and aumeier aum nier se lecter from the beat millinery houses in the world and for and BEAUTY after your tion you will say they havo no equals alisa burrow in charge of millinery department 1 GOOD JUDGMENT and bicycles go hand in hand they run easier the crank hanger doa it built mechanically correct why exhaust your strength by riding a bt i cycle that ia made on n wrong principle when you might bo riding a and bottling up energy A look at them before buying will convince you our line 0 baseball goods golf gooda and everything in tho lino 01 sporting gioda Is complete and prices are right co street SILVER PARLOR restaurant DAY AND NIGHT everything pew nall arat blabs throughout meala at all houra st FOO mars OUR WIVES MOTHERS AND daughters TOO MANY OF THEM ARE NERVELESS WEAK PALE AND ANAEMIC PAINES CELERY COMPOUND reaches the root of trouble and makes our women strong and vigorous it is a most regrettable fact and a calamity too that our women young aud old are numbered among the most unhealthy of females in the civilized world for delicacy of beauty intellectual capacity and for all graces that adorn the sex they stand peerless but it is doubtful if one in ten can bo found who is functionally and organically well this absence of feminine health and vigorous vitality is duo to a neglect of natures unerring laws immediate reformation or is necessary if our nation would have women who will become true wives and mothers an offspring that will prove a strength to the country for the special weaknesses to women are now victims lainca celery compound is the surest and safest remedy tho wonderful strengthening and building up properties of this marvelous prescription devised by that eminent medical expert prof edward E phelps M D and its specific action in correcting disorders of the female organism are well known to the medical profession and to the tens of thousands of women who have been raised from weakness and disease to and physical happiness paines celery compound quickly gives the true health tint to sallow and bloodless faces it gives life and light to the eyes it gihei pure clean blood to course through the body it gives natural appetite sweet sleep and that blessed cheerfulness that ii the delight of men try a bottle or two of pained compound dear suffering and run down sister your condition your family interests and the welfare of society demand this effort on your part diamond color anything any color dyne never fail never fade carpets for quite a time the carpet lovers and the advocates of the bare floor efferts warmly argued the question but the luxurious carpet and rug have decidedly the best of the argument cold feet chilly looking rooms and noise all con tribute to make carpets and rugs the more desirable we have the larg estline andrest and best display rooms in the state COME AND SEE I 1 i A f f PLEASES THEM ALL our baby cabs and carts cant help but please the whole family built light and strong wheels fitted with best of bearings light running easy springs and beautiful upholstering best make lowest prices THE HEYWOOD decidedly the most attractive display we have ever presented this was lao verdict of our opening days last week never before have the styles been so attractive so becoming the endless variety gives ample opportunity for every one to be suited we claim to show the finest hats in the west LADIES and MISSES WALKING HATS A line of ciata this week A line of this week csc childs mexican school hat value this week 18 C A wonderfully BROAD PRICE RANGE j so it is within our power to pleasa plea sc everybody from a style point of view and from a i PRICE POINT OF VIEW our plan is not to mark an articia as high as it could probably be sold for but as LOW as we can possibly afford to sell it tho leader millinery co MRS S E LYON MISSES and CHILDRENS spring and summer shoes with the large number of shoddy shoes sold for children you wilt appreciate the good quality in this line we know the service they are subjected to and aim to carry a line to withstand it try any one of our misses and childrens shoes and you will be well satisfied our prices arc 5 to 8 and our prices are sag to 11 and our prices arc 11 to 2 and christensons Chris shoe store ia f va davs just received a largo shipment of C DEVOE cuciuc PAINT ani 11 VT zits safe to use aade for you for the 1 t painter and for us 1 i c 4 alie insero it s by w fig A calel on every package alia reada this ways i if you have any fault whatever to find with this point at any either row in the 0 cor in tell your dealer abot t f i H wo authorine him to do bf i right ai our expense but do youal and ua the w tice to follow instructions 1 W DEVOE st COMPANY g your house will IQ worth booro iian painted with paint 49 wo alao carry a complete line of brushes ac r baff |