Show UTAH MAN DEFEATED jim flynn proves too much for willard bean about 1500 enthusiastic followers of the art de fatiana yelled themselves to a fare you well when Il eteree iGie lawler at alie finish of thoi vannest twenty round boxing tion pulled fofi in utah tills year an I 1 bounced jim flynn of colorado as alfe victor over williard S bean of provo the decision was n foregone conclusion after the fourth round as at no time during the remainder of the contest did the Ut ahman have y lookin look in only beans excellent blocking clever head and footwork his ability to stand punishment and wonderful j tive powers prevented a knockout flynn demonstrated alie fact that ho it about the best there h sn hia line in this part of the country and proved 9 even to hi friends who never expected him to alie wind and stamina to go the full twenty round at such a whirlwind pace as the two boxers set from alie clang of the bell barring the cut over left eye both men unexpectedly areah milling they had gone through flynn certainly aid enough work to whip p dozen ordinary men but the wallop that he played for never anine nynn wen williard you put up a garao fight and you arc all right biati thanks flynn I 1 think I 1 wa lucky to stay that last ten rounds dont you flynn you bet you were but if I 1 could only have got my right to your jaw it ouia have been all off bean I 1 buesa right where did you think you hurt me the most jimmick Flynn 01 I 1 dont know those rights I 1 gucal Bean Well I 1 should gay so in alio early part of the contest you certainly my say but you have a punch in that right hand of joura jlynn J lynn well it 1 all over now and I 1 anesa we are abill the beat of frienda bean right shake such were the pasted between bean and jim flynn in their dressing boora lant night after tin so two marg had finlan their twenty round contest t t A ft |