Show s strong feeling in congress 1 i n against this practice f stricter laws to be enacted grosvenor hits at the avil service law discussion of bills in the ouse senator simmons of north t carolina capitol gossip i I 1 washington april 7 it may not bo in this congress nor the nest but certain it la that pure food legislation by the national congress is something that Is sure to coine in the near future A dozen years ago there was a great deal of talk about the conger lard bill and the paddock pure food bill and since then attempts lave been made in the direction of national legislation to prevent adulteration already there Is one oleomargarine law and a stronger one coming we have a law preventing the mixture of flours and one against filled cheese in a short alroe there will be a law to prevent false branding of cheeses and other products like maple sugar and maple A bill has also been reported in the house to prevent inter traffic in adulterated foods and senator masons bill compelling manufacturers rs of carbonated champagne to mark their products plainly has been favorably reported in the senate only the other day senator harris called at lention to the fact that nearly all the olive oil sold in this country was cot oll and not olive oil at fall if the theocleo oleo bill was good for nothing else lt has brought out a great deal in this line and has started a movement the adulteration of foods that Is sure to bear ruit before many years A knock from grosvenor general grosvenor never loses an opportunity port unity of giving the present civil service law a blow when the bill providing for the retirement of revenue cutter officers was under discussion ho got into the debate long enough to say under the civil service law we have a larger pension list than england it has grown out of that law and 40 per cent of the cost of the administration ot that law Is practically a civil pen slon ast 1st general grosvenor referred to the many employees that have been 1 beyond their useful r ness lie always claims that they would have been removed with each change of an administration were it not for the protection afforded them by the civil service law of course they could be removed for cy but few heads of departments like to turn out old and infirm employees A legislative trust that Is the term that representative bell of Colorado applies to the present management of the bouse what be complains of is the tact that little or no adequate time is allowed to discuss the great questions which come up but on measures to which there is no appo elthon ample time is given here is this appropriation bill he said the other day Js 0 one Is opposed to it no one wants to discuss the provisions in it until of them are reached in tap regular way yet they are going around begging men to talk on it they cant give us too much time and yet what good Is it I 1 have had to make a speech on a subject entirely foreign to anything in the bill because when that particular subject does come up flo will be given no time to discuss it that is why I 1 say that wo are operating here under a big trust alie trouble which a member has in discussing matter foreign to abo bill under discussion Is that scarcely any one will pay attention fram the tar heel state A very quiet and unassuming man Is senator simmons of borth carolina nis voice bad not been heard save to introduce bills and present petitions until the oleomargarine bill wag under consideration without any previous notice and in a very humble manner a became a new senator lie rose to present hla views on the subject and when bo had concluded he had made a place for himself lie ando a clear and lucid argument and many old to him attentively in fact he was accorded such a biear irig as many old senators cannot obtain he was not only heartily congratulated by those who believed as he ahl but senators who favored tho bill told him that he had made tho best argument upon the opposing side tho new senator who walta until ho has something to say and then says it Is usually the man who makes himself the senate heard and seen A great many congressmen enjoy horse racing and recently every fine day a number of legislators could be found at the track this Is especially the case when there Is not very much going on at the capitol one day last week it was asserted that if a quorum was wanted in the bouse it would be found in the grand stand at once in awhile some one starts a story that the river and harbor bill is to bo defeated but there la no langor of it the bill could not lie talked to death in a long session there la no one who Is to engage in any euca pastime athla year y it s evident that there will be many new faces in the next congress already a number of members have failed of and the prospects arct that others will share the same fate in the conventions the demand that shall be rotation in office Is re tor a great anany changes in W DUNN to S aaa |