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Show Sandow's Secret of Strength. "So far as heredity is concerned I had nothing to be especially thankful for. since while still a mere lad my father's friend advised him to direct my studies toward the ministry. at he explained. 'Your eon will hardly bo fit for any more strenuous occupation,' Later our family' physician In Konlgs-berg, Konlgs-berg, near the Russian frontier, told mv father that If he would not take me to Italy for the winter I would never survive sur-vive It, such a weakling I was as a child Well. I went to Italy, and there my eyec were opened. The Greek and Roman statues I eaw there Inspired me. at once to lift from myself the stigma of weakness, for I felt somehow that even in our time the weak man Is dc- i,i";u' "-in. .it iihj iauor 01 realization realiza-tion with energy und persistence. You perceive I have somewhat succeeded, and let me tell you I am still at It. I maintain that it is possible fot nny man to emulate my example, even as I emulated emu-lated that of the Greeks and Romans of old. "It is the mind all a matter of the. mind. The muscles really have n secondary sec-ondary place. If yon lift a pair of dumb-bells a hundred times a day with your fixed attention on pome object away over In Cambridge. It will do you very little good. If, however, you concentrate con-centrate your mind upon a single muscle mus-cle or set of muscles for three minutes each day, and say, 'Do thus and so ' and they respond, there will be immediate imme-diate development. The more you waste, the more you make. A man with strong concentration of mind will develop de-velop quicker in tho quality of his muscles mus-cles than will he who cannot concentrate concen-trate his mind upon the matter The whole recret of my system lies In the Knowledge of human anatomy in knowing Just where one is weak, and going straight to work bringing that particular part up to the standard of one's best feature for there Is a best feature in every man. as there Is nlo a worst. The secret Is to 'know thyself ' as Pope says, and. knowing one's weakness, weak-ness, to concentrate the mind and energies ener-gies upon that weakness with a view to correcting It." Leslie's Weekly |