Show PERSONAL MENTION Bliss fnrmnn the pool Is making a study t of old French Canadian folk songs und stories lor translation Into English verse I Q 0 Prof Brander Matthews has been asked to deliver a series of lectures on tho modern mod-ern novel before an association of London clubs o S Alfred VandTbllt Is more of an athleto i thun mosi of his family lIe Is a splendid I nomornnr a good polo player Is JIH skill i ful ut golf as ho used to bo at tennis and t Is a llrslralo hand ai hockey a a Republicans of the First Maryland dls irhet t ol their eonvontlon had a largo ban I I i Her Inscribed with the names of tho Presl 1 dent antI their Conpro alonnl reprcscnta I live rite banner read For McKinley i and Maidd I S S A friend of William M Evans reports rIm ns being much unused by having read a recently published account of himself This says I am gradually fading away like an old photograph ho remarked but I fancy you can still mako out tho features Bishop Wlllljm < Taylor who If I now on I the supcrahnuatcd lh 1 tOf the Methodist Episcopal church has had a most event ful career Previous to his retirement from active life four yearn ago he had 1 I preached continuously for llftythrf > 1 years lie began as a street preacher hi California and then went to work In I foreign missions lie has worked In Africa Af-rica Australia India South Am < r < 1 Asia and In most of the Islands of tne South Pacific |