Show With the dignity that always at taches to Ephralm FCelly Esq who ia usually gentlemanly drunk or sober that somewhat distinguished gentle man faced the court again yesterday There was nothing particularly sur prising about that Unlike the abduct ed heroine of the melodrama Ephralm did not suddenly awake rub hIs eyes and l ask Where am IT Ephraiin knew In tones that would have nmde Cam pobello envious and Tagllapletra go Into some corner and commit suicide Kphralm assented to the proposition that he had been unlawfully full and that under the sweeping pro IiiSuns of the ordinance against and defining vagrancy he had no hesitancy In say ing that there was Just a ohanee that he might be convicted As to the Jus thee of the law or the fvnse of the men who passed It why that was another an-other story For the next thirty days Eph will ride to his work In the patrol wagon and hIs address will be during business hours Rue de City Creek G That the police have been out with their searchlight again was evident yesterday when John Carters name was culled John Is almost as bad as Willie Shagogue and a few others Helms He-lms been fined somewhere about 100 times for gambling at 2o per time but that makes no diffcrom He keips j I right on nt the same old game There is one thing about It though John never allows himself to be caught twice during the same month Ho may gam bio but that Is another mutter Strange too that John has novrr boon soon by a member nf ho I police force who would be able to again iecognie him His ball was forfeited o t I Jake Landy limped painfully to the bar and admitted that he was guilty as charged and as ho had been I here before thc Tndiro rnncludod to make it 55 this lime o c John Brown whose other and true I name Is known to the police but which was not put upon the books because of that fact was charged with having violated the bicycle ordinance Brown had left 2 for his appearance This will go to Treasurer Moiiis on James Cunningham had been released on the previous day after having been Convicted on the charge of vagrancy on the promise that he wouLd leave tin city Three hours afterward he was again occupying cell I Why did you not leave he was asked askedWell Well you sec I was taken sick Then the proper place would have been In bed Yes but I had to come out I Intended In-tended to leave this morning It vSlI be thirty days less what copper may bo allowed you by the jailer for good behavloi ere you are permitted to go out among tho tree and frisk with the lambkins on the grass During the interim you will dally with L pick on the boulevard ft o T L Crlltenden who wan fjjfllrlo guardian of t the persons and properly of those unfortunates who resort to the f I missionhouse on Commercial street l was charged with I I embesleineni 1 mm lhat he had taken from Chris Donn llan for safekeeping a watch time latter hav llg some misgivings as to Ihe I honesty oC the men with whom he was to associate asso-ciate The watch was not In evidence the next morning Neither was the man to whom he had Intrusted It So Crlltenden was taken In lie said that when the watch was handed lo him ho put It Into his hip pnckit where he kept his handkerchief and having no use for that rather useful article ot the average mans toilet he forgot that the watch was there The fact that he had been In the habit of sleeping at tho mission and had suddenly left and taken tlvanVbers at the Albert block he thought did not tend lo show his guilt All that he could say was that he did not inUMid to steal the watch and from the time the watch went into bin hip pocket until its owner had asked for It I hla mind was a blank Tho Indies of the I mission do not believe he intended to steal the wattIu and were If in their power they would save him from jail us well an his sippetlte for drink which has caused his undoing You left the mission though the Judge Inquired a Yes and when I turned the keys over to the young lady she asked me what 1 did so for 1 told her that I was not of the kind of animals that could live on wind Asked as to the value of the watch Donnellan the complaining witness said Well yousee 1 paid 15 for It and as I am a pretty good judge of watches T am of the unbiased opinion that I had a Dont care a straw for your opinion opin-ion as to what you thought said t Diehl in that airy manner which to well becomeshim Stick to the question ques-tion Well I told you that I paid 15 for it and I thought well i nave noi ROI it hero now but I have a ticket for the ticker I believe you not remarked the Judge to the defendant There Is every reason to believe that you intended in-tended tp get away with the watch and under the circumstances the court Is Inclined to look upon your work us being a trifle worse than average petit larceny The poor men who come in to those places and pay for a bed humble and and humble as It may bev and then IptruBt the custodian of the mission mis-sion with their valuables lave he I sainc right to protection as would be afforded them at the highestpriced hotels of the land Fifty days on time bouievard wIll about lit your ease I r reckon > w Then the docket ended |