Show NEW RESERVOIR BIOS Lowest Was 25924 by Excelsior Ex-celsior Wooden Pipe Co I BID WILL BE ACCEPTED Four Bids Wore Opened by the Board I of Public Works Lost Evening The Lowest Was S8908 Lower than Any of the Bids Received in Response Re-sponse to the First Advertisement ResRrvoir to be Comploted by July I 15th Contract for Sewer Pipe Goes to Giauquo I i 1 I The readvertlsing for bids by the I IJoard of Public Works on recommendation recommend-ation of City Engineer Kelsey for the I construction of the 0000000gallon I onstuclOt new lOOOOOOglon i storage reservoir on the east bench has 1 I resulted In a saving to the city of nearly 59000 In response to the llrst advertisement only two bids were received re-ceived ole submitted by i P J Morun of 5oJS3207 and the other by A C I Giauque of 301103 both of which the I I City Engineer considered very much too high The readvertlsfng brought four bids as follows Gillette ifny Gillette I of yjochcster N Y 2988850 N P Glann Construction company Galesburg Gales-burg II 320759 Excelsior Wooden Pipe company San Francisco 25 921iO Stamson Blome Chicago 20709 Tho Engineers 1 estimate of theO the-O t was 29000 fire board practically decided to let the I contract to the Excelsior I Wooden Pipe company their bid being the low ciii I but In order I to I give the City Engineer En-gineer an opportunity to verify the t llg ure Him lion was postponed until Monday when the board Alll meet and formally accept ihe bid and transmit afccl It to the City Council for approval The Excelsior Wooden Pipe company agrees to have the work completed by July 15th comJle An abstract of the bids is as follows I 8 t Q dn n 0 S 39 g r g g f P0o o I I ExcavatIng lsoo0y 3001 JU 3nclclllling 1SOOIJj 500 11500 200 Concreto ma 5101 I 11I1 21rI r < i 11 11 1C IIn 1 Cement plaster 0 VIU plas-ter j iOOCO 30 2C000 25O Concrete cop ne 31009 1S01 75200 1031 Pipe connections I I connec-tions t washouts wash-outs etc 000 2630 I I JOOI I 710 Totnls S95012J759 25921 I E026ifitI iOb completed August 15lh July 1 31st July loth August Stir I SEWER PIPE BIDS The bids of A C Giauque for furnishing fur-nishing and laying 12COO feet of Slnch 1600 feet of 10tnch und 1500 feet of 12 Inch sever pipe as the same may be needed irom the present time to the end of this year were further considered r consid-ered by the board Glauqucs bid was r 10573 and Parry Swensons S15120 Glnuquc however informed the board that lie had made a clerical error In I his footings of 1700 which amount should be added to his bid The board resolved to transmit the bids to the City Council with a recommendation that Glauques be accepted leaving it with the Council to decide as to whether the 1700 should be added to the bid or to hold him strictly to the letter of his hldrhe city Engineer gave it as his opinion that Glauqucs bid with the S1700 added would be rea sonable |