Show Tho Senate of the United States adopted and the House Committee on l ForeignAffairs has approved a joint resolution authorizing the President to j Invite Preat Britain to Join In the ap polntment of an international cpjnmls 1 slon to ascertain the effect on the level 1 I of the grea lakes of the diversion of t the wnters when used In such canals aslh Wellahd the Suult ae Marie i and the Chicago drainage caual That J I Is most necessary and It Is n matter of I very deep Interest to both Canada and the United States The commlHslon ought to Investigate another thin If possible and tljut Is TvhAt effect the clearing oft of the forests at the head of the streams that supply the I lakes has bad nnd whether there ought not to be some means adopted to either restore those forests or to restore herbage of some kind that will hold tho snows later t prevent floods and droughts and to I keep full the streams that supply the great lakes |