Show The new combination of American brldgfe builders with a capital of 75000000 has been formed and It Is described as I trust That Is something some-thing that I ought to be broken up at i once AVhat gentleman can order a private j bridge from that company wllhouj a certainly of being robbed And these arc days when many a gentleman gen-tleman needs to have things bridged over for him There Is another bad feature about it This trust is a regular regu-lar Imperial affair The managers propose pro-pose to span with bridges the streams of Europe Asia and Africa Didnt I Washington warn us against entangling I I entang-ling foreign alliances Is there a bigger big-ger entanglement than a steel bridge Is thero a grander thing in the world than a magnificent steel bridge When tho big chief of the Sioux Red Cloud was taken to Washington and on his I return was asked what most astonished him he said Railroad all same plenty oxen plenty wagons City all same I plenty wlckluyups Him bridge referring re-ferring to the Sl Louis bridge one I spider web He take him car All time goln over I no breathe Me heap l scare I |