Show KEEPING THE SABBATH I Presbyterian General Assembly J As-sembly on Question 1 OPPOSE SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS rOP I I Urge Members of Church Not to Advertise Ad-vertise in Them or Buy Them Request Re-quest St Louis Press Not to Print Proceedings of Assembly in Sunday Sun-day Issue President McKinley Praised for Instructions Sent to Commissioner Peck Touching Closing I Clos-ing U S Pavilion at Exposition I I I r 1 st Louis Mo May lSA very considerable con-siderable part of todays session of the Presbyterian general assembly was spent In considering the report of the special committee on Sabbath observance observ-ance During the discussion high praise was accorded to President Mc Kinley and Secretary Hay for the Instructions < structions sent to Commissioner Pock structons rls Htnt exposition and to Emuas sador Porter at Paris touching the Mnslnrr of the United States pavilion llu olllco at the exposition on the Sabbuth I VlClMODKRATOR APPOINTED Rev Dlckiy the new modern tonI t called the asscmbly to older and ap I I pointed Mr James H Converse of i Philadelphia vlcomodorntoi He also announced the appointment of chairmen chair-men of a mimbur of committees Synodlcal papers were presented After nollf1 ter action by the committee on bills will bc reported and overtures these papers wi ported on later SELECTING S-ELECTING PERMANENT CLERK Provision was then made by the general gen-eral assembly to place the election of a permanent clerk in the hands of a committee composed of one commissioner commis-sioner from euvh synod to be named f hereafter by the moderator This committee com-mittee will give I hearing to all uho wish to nominate candidates and will eventually present two names for consideration con-sideration by the general assembly Among the candidates for the position for permanent clerk are Rev Dr W B Noble Dr John Branch Dr John Miller Dr G W F Birch and Dr B W Gen mlhl SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORT Reports of the various special com mitteca were presented and read Among the recommendations mude by the special committee on the celebration celebra-tion of the twentieth century provision I for a memorial fund was suggested to he known as the Twentieth century fund for the endowment of Presbyter Ian collegiate and theological institu I tons for the enlargement of mlsslon I ary enterprises for the erection of church buildings and payment of debts on churches and educational institutions I In-stitutions and for other wok of the boards at the option of the donors I was suggested that provision be made for appointment of a central committee to consist of four ministers I and three elders with headquarters In Philadelphia to have general supervision supervi-sion of the work I I OMAHA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The report of the committee on the Omaha Theological seminary of which I Dr E Trumbull Lee Is chairman was I in the form of an appeal for an endowment en-dowment for the seminary to Insure its permanency and for rendering nS Its I usefulness undisturbed This seminary semi-nary Is the only school of Its kind In I S the Presbyterian church between Chicago I Chi-cago and the Pacific coast I SABBATH OBSERVANCE I The special committee on Sabbath observance I ob-servance reported that the present condition con-dition of the Sabbath question In the I United States presented more dark I I than bright sides more threatening aspects as-pects than hopeful signs more dltll cult problems than encouraging tea Lures tUreA A communication from the Methodist conference In Chicago was read conveying con-veying congratulations and expressive of good will of that body I was voted to send a cordial response MINISTERIAL EDUCATION I Rev Dr S J NIccolls of this city I presented the special report of the committee on ministerial education In wmcn ne snowed the necessity ror the education o ministers and o guarding against t the lax examination of candi examlnaton dates Rev Dr Frank W Sneed chairman of the committee on arrangements welcomed the assembly to Sl Louis and presented Moderator Dickey with a gavel made from the wood of three historical churches of this city COMMENDS MKINLEY At the afternoon session Rev J W Hathaway of New York city took the lead In the consideration of the report of the special committee on Sabbath observances Dr Hathaway Is a mem ber of the committee He heartily rinnltee hClrly commended com-mended President McKinley and Secretary Sec-retary Hay for Instructions sent to CommissionerGeneral Peck and Em i bassador Porter to close the United Platen pavilion and oflicos at the Paris exposition on the Lords day and to endeavor to secure coiieertecj acton of the American exhibitors to the exhlhlols same end He deprecated tIme action of the French authorities which have denied to the American section of exhibitors the1 right to close their exhibits on the Lords clay and hac consented to the closing of the United States cosing t Slntet pavilion only which is distinctively the prop erty of the United States Government OPPOSE SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS The resolutions contained In the report re-port were adopted one by one They rccomuaidad among other things that the Presbyterian church or the United plates abstain from hue l more popular and dang rqu6 forms O Sabbath clese cuation such as advertising in the Sun day newspapers the purchase and reading of them and from all forms of excursions sports games and amuso nuants on the Lords day and also sccu lav work traveling etc A prayer was made to the railroad companies of this land to abandon Sunday excursions so as to secure the minimum of transpor tation and service of their employees on Sunday KEEP CLOSED SUNDAY Whether1 or not Urn great St Louis exposition was borne In the minds of the commission i resolution was submitted sub-mitted requesting the United States Congress and all Slate Legislatures al Jell lnturcs to make no more appropriationsfor expositions ex-positions to be held In this country without the proviso that such exposi tons shall bo closed on Sundays Rev Dr John Fox tecrel < ry of the Bible society of New York reported that word had been sent to tho Bible agent at Manila by the Bible house to proceed with the provisional I translation transla-tion of tho Bible Into the different languages lan-guages spoken by the Filipinos I Dr Jackson of Jersey City offered n resolution requesting the proprietors of I the St Louis dally newspapers to refrain re-frain from printing reports of the prIntng assembly I as-sembly In the Sunday Issues of the pa oera Tho resolution was adopted by anoverwhelmlng vote |