Show TOLD BY THE CABLE Tho King has sIgned a decree dissolv lug the Italian I Chamber of Deputies Tho elections have bocii nsed for Juno aril and Parliament will bo convened Juno 15ih Tin Russian Minister of Finance M de Yltt imas refuser the request of tho Volga shipowners and manufacturer to Introduce sin export duty on pelroliim wltli the view of reducing the price for Co flui umiJtiolm There was a somewhat heated dlficiiB piiin In til German Reichstag yesterday over the action of the president of lImo House Count von Bnllestrrm ruling out of order a number of Socialist amendments amend-ments to tim ie helnco T10 lrIHh prllainenl Party lender John Pilmoml and John Dillon regard the recent antihomy rule speeches of Salisbury IJalfour nnd Clianibcrlnln 13 mply a political move to weaken IT 1 pos slblc time position of time Jrlnh party In TnnrPFr Morocco last Sunday time Grand lIer Ahmed Ben Musi died A convulsion In internal affair Is threatened threat-ened but It la believed < Jormany Italy i and Grtil Britain huvo asrecd to main I tain the status quo > so IL I IS iiOhNl l t lie threateUMi anarchy will be l eel el |