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Show 1' IOC UK NKHS. (n'f.eui. to tnv. iikkij.u,) Fioche, 11. The cane of-the Kod Warri'-r aiviiiunt the Jack Tar mining eoiui'uny was arnued yesterday and hubinittrd to the court. Thin oate is important from the iaet that it will nettle many points, in doubt relating to locations, work, etc., on miuiug claimf. Iu tho ease of tho State vr. John Stein, charged with aud committed for being coiiecrntd in tho murder ot a Swanscan, on 1'anaoea Flat the innru-mg innru-mg after tho tight between the lUj-mond lUj-mond k Kly and Fioche Fheeuiic, the demurrer to the indictment was argued to-day. The demurrer is on tho grouuds that the indictment omits to allege when or where the oaili charging the crime was taken; and also (ails to state by whom defendant was fworr. Demurrer biibmittcd aud taken under ad.isemcnt by the court. The case is attracting great attention, as there are many outuido matters oonueeted with it. . There is great difficulty in making service of papers aud attendanco ot witnos-es beloro tlio court, on aooount of the geueral sickness of all the horses in the oounty with epizootic, which is becoming vciy genera1. The fioutl.-sido mining company was incorporated hero a few days sinoo, tho ulaini being on tho west sido of tho mountain, and supposed to bo an extension of tho lluyiuond &, Kly mine. This is tho first company organized under tho Slate law in this disttict. Kdward Donahoo, trustee of the L'iuohe I'boeuix mining company, and one of the loading merchants ol Fiocho, died to-Jay after a brief illness1. The stages between horo aud Salt ' Lake are only ruouing every other day until tho horses recover from the epizootic. epi-zootic. Tho roads arc in a fearful condition. |